Any of Favorite Cereal?!?!

Golden Grahams! Yummy!
It don't matter to me, just needs to be crunchy. I don't care for soft kind. I also like grits and oatmeal
My personal favorite has to be Crackling Oat Bran. Too bad that's loaded with sugar so I only have it once or twice a year. I tend to go overboard on this cereal. I'm crazy about brown sugar and this cereal has lots of that.

Other personal favorites include homemade cornbread dipped in buttermilk, quick grits (NOT insta grits as it tastes like library paste. :P) with extra sharp cheddar cheese, and homemade muesli.
Corn Flakes! its a remedy for heart burn lol.. always eat cercal late at nite not mornings.. im weird and learned that habit from my grandpa when i was little