No, it can't be over until House make Cuddy a pregnant to turn awkward situation in hospital.
Im a House M.D and a Ghost Whisperer fan!
ANy website where i can watch house online with subtitles?
wow then house is going to make more interesting for all of us to watch them, house cuddy and a new baby.
Normally, Dr House would give the terrible critic on baby in front of Cuddy while give breast-feeding in office.
I am a ghost whisper fan
house is on now.
Dr House is getting hard-head over Cuddy. Good grief!
do you keep up with the ghost whisper, so any idea why the husband character? will he leave the show??
poor cuddy, she came in, and saw another hottie chick talking, fondling and looking up at house.
i think that is a bizarre show lol
It rocks. Hehe, hilarious what Dr House did to those two doctor dudes with good acting. He really got them good. I LOL'd over that.
Dang, poor Cuddy... But I am sure Dr House and she would still end up together eventually.
poor cuddy, she came in, and saw another hottie chick talking, fondling and looking up at house.
i think that is a bizarre show lol
I think House MD is mean to hired that woman to cover up to make Cuddy to take a wrong idea.
However, last night, man, it was terrible prank that Greg had pull it with the couple. It's kinda strange to see Greg act nice as I thought there is something wrong. Oh wait, he is normal. Whew.
But.. the next House MD when it return, it will running on Monday instead Tuesday! I had to change my DVR setting!
no way?? about the changed schedule. remind me for this monday!!!!
Oh yeahhh i knew that he was doing it to show his friend the proof that he's a capable of being a compassion. :roll: LOL. First time, i see that he said, "merry christmas" to cuddy. Hope cuddy keeps the baby.
I can see that house is not comfortable of having the idea of cuddy having baby in her life. Remember he had problem with his dad and fear of getting involved with cuddys kid.