It's very easy to tell what is abusive. I like the Reversing Trick (tm).
Just take all the things that would be abusive if men did it to women. Anything physical, verbal, mental, or manipulative.
And reverse it.
If women did to men, what abusive men do to women, it is abuse.
But a lot of people don't think of it that way. But this is the age of equality, right? So let's get rid of the double standards.
In high school, I watched a friend's mother slap him hard across the face (his sister, too) when she had a fit about something.
The son of someone I knew was in a very abusive relationship. His girlfriend hit him in the head, pushed him against the wall hard, swung bats at him, threw dishes at him, tried to run him over with a car. Finally, he got out of that relationship and got away.
I've had ex's try to manipulate me into doing things. It doesn't work because I'm stubborn and no one will make me do what I don't want to do. They just won't. I'll walk out the door than be coerced into anything.