Any good flirting tips to a 14 year old girl (aka that 14 yr old grl is me)

thanks. OMG hes online now..what should I do.. he has a little msg under his SN on AIM saying: "I got a phone!" I Imed him by saying congrats on the phone. He hasn't IM back.. what should I do now?

OK, ummm, you might want to skip the compliment on the phone, it may have been meant for someone else or his friends. Tell him who you are (you did, right?) and say hi, talk or ask him about anything you two are knowledgeable about. Have the same confidence as if you were talking to Em. Good Luck!
yeah you're right. :ty:

What are some things I can talk to him if i talk to him again online. I'm not planning on IMing him this week. My other hearing guy friend: Michael said: "Just give IMing him a break for like a week before u go back to talkin to him"

He's right..Do you think I should IM him again today?? :hmm:

Since your hearing guy friend, Michael is a male - why don't you take his advice ? Otherwise, you could lose your significant other, the one who you like to flirt... try to restrain " pushy ". Some men don't like women being pushy. Be a good listener, girl. Just let him to IM you, if he shows his interest in you. :)
Just be yourself and don't pressure him.

Don't keep your hopes too high if it doesn't go to the way you wanted. :)
Maybe he is not ready for girlfriend and he may want to focus on boyhood life before he feel ready to have girlfriend. Why not focus on girls life first *like shopping, girls night out, travelling places...* and you may not have done that before. Don't waste your time on boys. Otherwise you will regret for what you did!
ha thanks. I didn't IM him back. But my friends think I should IM him by saying: "Hey btw, I think you're hot." I got a little bit nervous. But i remember him flirting with me online long time ago before he blocked me. But umm.. I also have another post about jay and me.. heres the link to it. maybe you could help me with this::

if you could answer that you would understand what me and jay has been through after this post. Because i"m still trying to find the right answer to this..And its kind of hard. But if you could take a look on the first msg i wrote to the post from the URL above, taht would understand and help you more on what i'm talking about from the relationship with jay i have been through.
then short shorts

VERY short shorts.

No, she shouldn't be wearing short skirts or short shorts if she want a boy to like her for what she is rather than her body. I want a man to like me for what I am as opposite to a man who like me for my body. The later example is a very shallow man (I am sorry to say that you sound so shallow, August).
Ah, the awkwardness of youth! Aren't you a bit young for that?
It will come naturally when you're ready for it. Focus on your friends right now because your social skills are still developing!

How about concentrating on your education and leave that stuff for later, that's my opinion. :)

I second that, Ozzie!

I also agree with Vampyrox as in 'be yourself'.

Also, when you decided on having a boyfriend (like when you are 18 years old), make sure you know him quite well. Does he have a bad temper? How responsible is he? Does he have a drinking/drug problem? and so on. Bad temper and drinking/drug problem are the deal breakers. Don't get involved if he has any of those problems (and any other deal breakers). Just don't rush into having a boyfriend. I have seen some Deaf got involved way too soon and they would be breaking up just because they didn't know each other that well. Take your time. You have years and years ahead of yourself so take your time.
yep you got plenty of time, at 14 you're just out of childhood, adult world is really really BIG, just enjoy your youth and just enjoy things you already know how to do, worry about that heavy stuff later on, dating have a flipside, can be fun but can also be a real downer when things go wrong, not worth getting hurt.
Thats true. When I was in middle school, I noticed some girls got boyfriends and guys have girlfriends. I didn't really care much about having a boyfriend in middle school. I just think in my mind by saying: "God that guy is so hot." lol. I wouldn't wear very short shorts. I think personally its dumb. I see alot of girls wearing them. even in middle school. And I also agree with you guys saying to be myself. Me and jay would be goofballs. He hasn't imed me. He only imed me 3 times this year. One time by saying he was mad at his dad, then the 2nd time by him saying hi noob (its a long story. not by teasing me. he was just joking with me) and then 3rd when i was on my DC trip and he IMed me on my sidekick by 'singing/typing' the song to me called: Let it be by the Beatles. I thought it was sweet. So he told me i should listen to Animals by Nickelback. Which i did and I love nickelback. So that 3rd IM he IMed me was 4 or 3 weeks ago. On memorial day weekend. I still like jay. I still want to be able to give him the space he needs.
Ive come to the conclusion guys like girls who seem confident in themselves
they look at the way you stand and talk and if you seem like you're confident and not shy nor to talkative..they approach you
but if you wanna approach a guy yea just b yourself dont be too awkward
usually...i apparently seem to b one to befriend guys and never have feelings for them..then...all the sudden i realize i do, and then its hard for me to say oo i want you bc we're already too into the friendship thing
thank getting married :-P
its interesting
i would suggest that you find out what he likes or where he appears most and be there. ONCE!!!!!!!!!! by using his interest you might find that you have something in comming and thus kick start your relationship.
Otherwise you could IM him but dont be too obvious or else he will flee. Some degree of playing hard is necessary if you want him to be interested in you.
Success and keep us posted.
By the way,at your age,relationships should not be a wise choice but so long as you have a healthy one,then go ahead.
But keep your virginity girl,you are still young.