The Wii is still in a box. I don't know how to hook it up. Plus my TV is very, very tiny.
It looks good sitting on my coffee table, though.
I'd run over just to plug it in for you

1. Find back of TV. See if there's any input jacks/connectors/holes to put stuff in.
2. Find cord of Wii. See what style of jack it is. I think the standard is one yellow painted tip, one white tip, one red tip.
3. Go back to TV. Find any labeling if possible or three jacks that should say "composite". The yellow jack is visual/picture, while the white is the left channel and the red tip is the right channel for audio/sounds.
4. Connect the other end of the cord of the wii into Wii.
5. Power up Wii.
6. Switch input on TV and keep switching until you see something related to your Wii hookup.
Even if it just sits there, it's very nice as a piece of art.
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