Any envoy medical esteem recipients out there?

What happened to the Envoy's All Hear single electrodes cochlear implant (Totally Implantable)? Experts predicted that this was going to start clinical trials years ago

Whatever happened to the Epic Biosonics getting scared at the last second with the Totally Implantable CI and joining Med-El?

And now, the French cochlear implant company Neurelec is suing Otologics millions of dollars for the Totally Implantable CI.

Don't tell me that there is not coercion going on in all of this.............

These things aren't going to happen any time soon. Hearing aid Companies will not allow this happen,because they will lose their market.
Yes, I was implanted Nov. 2011 and thankful I did. I've worn hearing aids since 1987, maybe half dozen different sizes, styles, etc. Dr. recommended cochlear and I started interviewing patients, someone told be about esteem, more interviews - liked what I heard except insurance didn't yet cover was only negative. Cochlear may still be in the future, esteem is reversible but cochlear is not...
Yes, I was implanted Nov. 2011 and thankful I did. I've worn hearing aids since 1987, maybe half dozen different sizes, styles, etc. Dr. recommended cochlear and I started interviewing patients, someone told be about esteem, more interviews - liked what I heard except insurance didn't yet cover was only negative. Cochlear may still be in the future, esteem is reversible but cochlear is not...

CI is much more expensive that Esteem.
hey guys
just recently ive come across this esteem product & i was like " WHERE THE HELL WERE U ALL MY LIFE " lol
but anyways my name is usamah and im new on this forum
just want to ask u guys whoever is using esteem
can yourll tell me the pros and cons of this
really interested in it, as it can make life easier for me by a zillion times ( no need to worry about the hearing aids to take out when swimming , bathing , playing soccer also having to clean it everyday etc. ) but main thing is i dont have any thing in my ears , so thats a massive up for me
also i see a lot complaints that people cant talk on the phone because of the implant
@mandie marie are u also having this issue ?
or anyone in fact for that matter