any easter fav candy??

:) My favorites are: Marshallow chicks, peanut butter chocolate eggs, malted milk eggs, and black jelly beans!! :eek: Wow that's a lot of candy!!! Yummy (wiping my mouth) :giggle:
Those peeps are nothing but sugary airy yuckies!
:lol: i too like the marshmallow peeps once in a while

cadbury caramel eggs!!!
jelly beans (origional)
reese's peanut butter on occasions
Mama2AFTIV said:
Me too! LOVES chocolate! I don't like Peanut make me go :barf:

Hey, Mama! Open your mouth reasl wide; I got a chocolate Trojan horse for ya but it isn't hollow....ready??
Tousi said:
Hey, Mama! Open your mouth reasl wide; I got a chocolate Trojan horse for ya but it isn't hollow....ready??
Hey Tousi, do you have any extras for me? I am so hungry for a chocolate after reading all these posts :D
Peeps here as well. I love them...always have. I too bite the head off first LOL. I'm told they look very cool if you put them in the microwave for a few seconds (don't burn yourself).
I like the creme eggs, robin eggs, mini eggs, peep marsmallows, jelly beans and reese, but I haven't tried the reese eggs one yet. :P