Any camp deaf for 2013?


New Member
Jul 7, 2013
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I'll like to find out of any deaf camps in the USA thats happening during the summer?

Me and my friend would like to go to one and have fun a lot!

Does anyone have any info?

We want to find summer deaf camp fun and crazy, for 15-18 years old.

Thanks for listen us!
I used to deaf children camping club around up to 100, when I was kid. It was fun. but, some of them were bully kids. be careful, They can steal your items. Unless, you need to see doctor for exam your health before approve to deaf children camping register for survive insurance. (old policy back to 1970's)

If adult, do your own camping and drive your own car or truck. You can be experience for your future.
Also, small deaf camp group slept in rent cabin. Police knocked door and no answer while they can't hear knocking. They stormed cabin and killing them for mistake a felon manhunt as fugitive.
It may be too late to sign up for a camp now. I did go to ASpen Lion camp for deaf. It is in Colorado. I went in 1988. I understand that it's stay going on.
It may be too late but you can try to check camp mark 7 to see if they are available. you need to sign up which is happening in Jan. but you can try to see if anyone drop out and you can grab a spot. good luck
Wirelessly posted

I only know NWCCD (northwestern christians camp for the deaf) is in twins rocks city, oregon. that is for all ages and families are welcomed. i know the another one, but it's for kids only.

if you're planning to go to the NWCCD this month, you might have to pay around 400 to 500. not sure how cost it is. i was usually paid 4 to 5 months before July. i dont go to there anymore now.

sorry if that does nt much information. thats about what i know of.
I just joined this site and saw this question. I hope I can be of some help.

I know that there is a place in Tennessee called Bill Rice Ranch. They offer camps for the deaf.
The Bill Rice place is known on this site as it has been written about more than once, I believe.
I am already hired to work at A.C.O.R.N Arts & Drama Camp Week in Michigan at DeSales, but good luck in finding Deaf Camps since it is halfway through summer and deadline has already passed.

Hope you'll find something! :)