So darned far from Freemont, CA (Deaf services) and my hometown of Santa Rosa, CA where my Deaf friend just moved to! Met him when I was living in another county.
I was born severely Hard of Hearing and have used all sorts of "deaf tech" since I was young (hearing aids don't count
). My father, who like his mother was also nearly deaf like me, was dead set against my learning ASL and going to deaf schools. Needless to say my grades (graduated in '78) sucked.
Only about 10 years ago (about the same time I learned about ADA rights!) have I tried to learn ASL. But since I'm horrible at socializing (Asperger's Syndrome) I never could get enough practice. I hope to find a VERY local group (my SSI doesn't pay for 'travel') so I can practice. Right now I'm P.O.'d about captioning crap (aka lack of, bad, whatever) I keep running into.
Nice to meet everyone, I hope to post from time to time. I don't do much BBS stuff online anymore. But BLOGs? Yeesh! Yea I got one.
Randy from Antioch

I was born severely Hard of Hearing and have used all sorts of "deaf tech" since I was young (hearing aids don't count

Only about 10 years ago (about the same time I learned about ADA rights!) have I tried to learn ASL. But since I'm horrible at socializing (Asperger's Syndrome) I never could get enough practice. I hope to find a VERY local group (my SSI doesn't pay for 'travel') so I can practice. Right now I'm P.O.'d about captioning crap (aka lack of, bad, whatever) I keep running into.
Nice to meet everyone, I hope to post from time to time. I don't do much BBS stuff online anymore. But BLOGs? Yeesh! Yea I got one.

Randy from Antioch