Originally posted by javapride
no i was all goody two shoes a bit.. LOL!
hummm do u like to surf for pornos?
I did it for many times in the past. right now, i feel so what.
Did u asked ur parents for how old they lose virgin?

Originally posted by javapride
no i was all goody two shoes a bit.. LOL!
hummm do u like to surf for pornos?
Originally posted by Lasza
I did it for many times in the past. right now, i feel so what.
Did u asked ur parents for how old they lose virgin?![]()
Originally posted by javapride
nope, well DAD ( my biologiucal dad) said 18 so meaning mom was 17
have u ever been told by anyone to say good night sweet dreams and sleep with the angels?? I have cuz im going to bed LOL!
Originally posted by Irish Devil Dog
LOL no idea. =/
Do you have a hard time to sleep if you are exciting about something?
Originally posted by PaxThoreau
Yes, especially when a snowstorm is coming and I don't have go to work.
What is the most peculiar food you have tried?
Originally posted by ~Heather~
none I think?
What brand of webcam are you using?
Originally posted by javapride
IM using a logitech OLD version soon time for an upgrade![]()
Whats the most frequent instant messager u use ( AIM MSN YM or AOL ) ?
Originally posted by Fly Free
real chicken sandwiches
what is ur fave thread on AD q
Originally posted by Fly Free
definately the PSSST thread -- worthless and a few other select threads as well
*out of questions* will haveta get back to u on this LOL
Originally posted by Lasza
What about members who signed up AD and never make any post within 3 montsh???
Originally posted by javapride
if memebers haven t been posting or actively using thier handle it should be sent an e mail saying hey we need to know if ur still going to use the AD if not we're going to deactivate u
I know it will lose members BUT we need to have poeple use it as much as possible and give room for others who do want to be active
do u agree with me ?
Originally posted by ~Heather~
I agree...it would be good idea to email to notify them if they don't start participating AD forums like within a week then will delete them than just delete them without emailing them to let them know whether to stay member on AD is to participate or be removed from AD. Because I feel if you just go ahead delete member without letting them know and that will leave them disgruntled member and won't bother to re-register to be part of AD community so it would be good idea to notify them first to warn them.
How do you feel about AD so far overall?
Originally posted by javapride
when i first joined AD it was the most fasincating place to be, bot as time went by i watched some poeple become a blitering idiots! and all the while the posting was great til it stopped in such a big way, overboarding it and etc. now i do enjoy AD and talking with people in the PM and the AD and all that, It's so fun to use and etc. BUT still common sense poeple need to chill with the racial remarks and the worthless threads like pssst I only posted maybe 4 times and that was it, SO enuff of that 5k posting on the pssst thread, that needs to go, its eating up alex's space, other than that I gave AD a score of a 9 if psst thread is gone then it will be 10! and more posters will relized a better thread with a better mind.
Why do poeple become racial and homophobic in these threads :roll: ??
Originally posted by Fly Free
when itll die
do u think the PSSST thread should go q