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Jun 2, 2009
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Losing more hearing and the Phonak Naidas. LOL! Is it getting monotonous around here or what? :D

So I had an audiogram today for the first time in a year. As I suspected, I've lost a bit of hearing. the levels on 750hz dropped from 55db to 80db. I haven't lost that much hearing over one year in a long time, and I'm kind of puzzled about it, since I haven't gone to any loud concerts or anything for years. I guess this makes me pretty much deaf past the 500hz frequency. I'm not really bummed about it, since I was expecting it, and since I've already accepted the fact that I'm going to be completely deaf in a relatively short time, but it was still a little shocking to see that 25db drop in a key range.

What's funny, though, is that when we did the pre-recorded speech testing, we turned the volume down 15db, and I scored about 15% better. So my WRS speech discrimination scores were around 20% this time.

We then tweaked my Naida V SPs. At first the audi tried to just make changes without asking me, but I said, "What are you doing? tell me cause I want to know." Surprisingly, she was very open to it and allowed me to make my own changes. First thing I had them do was turn off all gains past 1500hz, since all I get in those frequencies is tactile response. It was just useless to have these on and I think it was causing a lot of distortion. Then, we turned off transpositioning. I now notice that I'm not hearing tons of annoying little environmental sounds like doors slamming and objects being placed on counters. WTF needs to hear that crap anyway? Then we boosted the mids to compensate for the new loss in hearing. After this we went and retested my hearing with the aids on.

The aids brought me a diagonal cross through the speech banana, so even though I'm still missing a lot, it's a big improvement. My WRS scores improved to 40%.

I then went and taught two classes. Can't say I heard my students much better, but it wasn't worse either. LOL! Obviously, I still rely completely on speechreading to communicate. We'll see what happens when I'm in a noisy situation.
Miss Kat got her new Naida's today. I worry that they might be unreliable, because I've heard so many complaints. We'll see if she likes them. We are just using them until she goes bilaterial, hopefully this summer.
Miss Kat got her new Naida's today. I worry that they might be unreliable, because I've heard so many complaints. We'll see if she likes them. We are just using them until she goes bilaterial, hopefully this summer.

Naida's plural? Is she wearing one in her implanted side too?
Maybe we can start a chatroom for "Naida sufferers" :D

My name is Jenny, and I am a Naida sufferer. It began in April 2008 and has been ongoing since then. I have tried to "detox", even going "cold turkey" but then I broke my glasses this afternoon and since my vision is 20/120 without glasses the inability to communicate was too frustrating to cope with and I was once again pulled into the use of the Naidas to help heal my increasing pain. Like always, the relief was calming at first but quickly became a frustrating addiction that could not be filled as they began to cut in and out. My name name is Jenny and I am a Naida sufferer. Thank you for letting me express myself as it is the first step in healing. :giggle:
My name is Jenny, and I am a Naida sufferer. It began in April 2008 and has been ongoing since then. I have tried to "detox", even going "cold turkey" but then I broke my glasses this afternoon and since my vision is 20/120 without classes the inability to communicate was too frustrating to cope with and I was once again pulled into the use of the Naidas to help heal my increasing pain. Like always, the relief was calming at first but quickly became a frustrating addiction that could not be filled as they became to cut in and out. My name name is Jenny and I am a Naida sufferer. Thank you for letting me express myself as it is the first step in healing. :giggle:

Welcome, Jenny. You're among friends here. You're safe. :D
I broke my glasses this afternoon and since my vision is 20/120 without glasses the inability to communicate was too frustrating to cope with and I was once again pulled into the use of the Naidas to help heal my increasing pain.

Do you no print on palm or tactile sign?

:topic: I no
Do you print on palm or tactile sign?

:topic: I no

visual ASL most of the time. Without glasses either clear exaggerated basic ASL or today (the person I was with doesn't know ASL) I was listening as best I could since I am familiar with her voice and if we were really stuck large print block letters for me to read with the paper an inch from my face.
Jenny, Are one of the signs of this affliction pulling on the earmold to see if feedback occurs? I seem to be doing this since I got the naida a few days ago.

I am now playing a game in the morning that I like to call "Beat the Beeps". The object is to get the Naida in your ear before the beeps.

Faire Jour, keep us posted on how Miss Kat does with the Naida. So far I don't think mine adds anything to what I hear with the CI as far as speech. I have found some music is a bit better (more drums and bass) with the naida/CI but in most cases there is not much difference. I go for a mapping soon so we will see how things test out.

I assume youve read that thread? Lots of helpful advice there. :D Also still curious how you do on the piano thud test.

Losing more hearing and the Phonak Naidas. LOL! Is it getting monotonous around here or what? :D
So I had an audiogram today for the first time in a year. As I suspected, I've lost a bit of hearing. the levels on 750hz dropped from 55db to 80db. I haven't lost that much hearing over one year in a long time, and I'm kind of puzzled about it, since I haven't gone to any loud concerts or anything for years. I guess this makes me pretty much deaf past the 500hz frequency. I'm not really bummed about it, since I was expecting it, and since I've already accepted the fact that I'm going to be completely deaf in a relatively short time, but it was still a little shocking to see that 25db drop in a key range.

How much hearing did you lose in the other frequencies and do you have any audiogram scans?

What's funny, though, is that when we did the pre-recorded speech testing, we turned the volume down 15db, and I scored about 15% better. So my WRS speech discrimination scores were around 20% this time.

Last time at 95db HL, you scored 4%. With sounds this loud, it was amplifying well into your cochlear dead region and causing distortion. If you get tested at different volume levels, you may find a volume that gets you even higher than 20%. Id also try speech discrimination using low pass filters with different cutoff levels and find that cutoff level that maximizes your speech. This will give you a good idea at what point your cochlea is dead or too damaged to help any in speech. In my case, it's around 600Hz.

We then tweaked my Naida V SPs. At first the audi tried to just make changes without asking me, but I said, "What are you doing? tell me cause I want to know." Surprisingly, she was very open to it and allowed me to make my own changes. First thing I had them do was turn off all gains past 1500hz, since all I get in those frequencies is tactile response. It was just useless to have these on and I think it was causing a lot of distortion.

That's a certain sign of cochlear dead regions. You may also want to set the SPL/MPO down as low as itll go so your HAs don't amplify in your dead regions which just increase distortion.

Then, we turned off transpositioning. I now notice that I'm not hearing tons of annoying little environmental sounds like doors slamming and objects being placed on counters. WTF needs to hear that crap anyway? Then we boosted the mids to compensate for the new loss in hearing. After this we went and retested my hearing with the aids on.

What's your aided audiogram like?

The aids brought me a diagonal cross through the speech banana, so even though I'm still missing a lot, it's a big improvement. My WRS scores improved to 40%.

Which is more in line with what others with your degree of hearing loss are scoring. I mentioned in another thread that others were scoring over 50% sentence(note that sentence is way easier than words) and that I thought once your HAs get reprogrammed, your speech would go way up. Glad to hear(pun intended) that it's working out great for you! :D Hope all this helps and looking forward to audiograms, it'll be a learning experience for everyone.
My name is Jenny, and I am a Naida sufferer. It began in April 2008 and has been ongoing since then. I have tried to "detox", even going "cold turkey" but then I broke my glasses this afternoon and since my vision is 20/120 without glasses the inability to communicate was too frustrating to cope with and I was once again pulled into the use of the Naidas to help heal my increasing pain. Like always, the relief was calming at first but quickly became a frustrating addiction that could not be filled as they began to cut in and out. My name name is Jenny and I am a Naida sufferer. Thank you for letting me express myself as it is the first step in healing. :giggle:

omg, Jenny, hysterical! :laugh2:
Jenny, Are one of the signs of this affliction pulling on the earmold to see if feedback occurs? I seem to be doing this since I got the naida a few days ago.

I am now playing a game in the morning that I like to call "Beat the Beeps". The object is to get the Naida in your ear before the beeps.

Faire Jour, keep us posted on how Miss Kat does with the Naida. So far I don't think mine adds anything to what I hear with the CI as far as speech. I have found some music is a bit better (more drums and bass) with the naida/CI but in most cases there is not much difference. I go for a mapping soon so we will see how things test out.

I agree. I even contacted the Phonk rep to see if the beeps could be disabled. They can adjust the volume, I believe. Once you lose enough hearing, they become inoffensive.
Miss Kat got her new Naida's today. I worry that they might be unreliable, because I've heard so many complaints. We'll see if she likes them. We are just using them until she goes bilaterial, hopefully this summer.
If that doesn't go well, try oticon sumo its very reliable hearing aid
If that doesn't go well, try oticon sumo its very reliable hearing aid

We were with Oticon until yesterday, it was a great aid that lasted through 5 years of a little kid without a single repair! We thought about the Sumo, but we are hoping the transposition will help, if not, we will go back to Oticon.
It's great to hear that Miss Kat may be going bilateral! My Hearing aid is Spirit 3SP(Sumo Dm) and I'v never really had a problem with it
It's great to hear that Miss Kat may be going bilateral! My Hearing aid is Spirit 3SP(Sumo Dm) and I'v never really had a problem with it

We just have to wait until summer and switch insurance programs. Her speech perception with the CI is 90% but the hearing aid is only 25%, so let's bump the other ear up to 90% too!
That would be great for her! I read your latest blog update, sounds like she's doing AMAZING :)