Another Official AD Member Pix Thread, Part 2

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FreeWoman77 said:
OH, u have a son and another on way, congratulation! :) BTW, morning sick only short ;)
Yeah adopt son and other on the way. I hope morning sick wont last longer hehe. I hate that.
My best recently one. :) I got hair cut after this one. LOL


  • Cheleler 03-10-2006.jpg
    Cheleler 03-10-2006.jpg
    47.4 KB · Views: 24
TweetyBird said:
*waving* remmy me!? :lol: u look good!
Yes, I remember who you are. :D Thanks. I like that pic. :)

So how are you and how's that stranger, KW68, doing? ;)
Mayflower’s second grade picture, Saticoy School, North Hollywood, California, 1964. She recently borrowed this picture from a childhood friend and asked me to scan it for her before returned it.

I posted it at my intro but here is the correct site where my pic should be
Gracias. Lot of people tell me that so I guess is my curse lol.
Heart2sign your kids look cuter.
BTW CherlEler u look pretty...
Fabian, I've seen you other thread under introduce... You're look'n handsome fine young man!

Yea... So cute 3 kids..
As same my 3 kids are grown big and teenager!

Hub and I with our youngest.

PS (hate that pic of myself...but what can I say..I have seen better pic of me.)
Awww Heart2Sign, You have three beautiful kids. ;)
Heart2Sign said:
Hub and I with our youngest.

PS (hate that pic of myself...but what can I say..I have seen better pic of me.)

you guys look great couple with kids.... :D

Cool family...
You're deserved wonderful family around you everyday!
Oh btw I forgot to mention in my early statement that you as heart2sign looks like my youngest sister. JUST almost look alike. heh
:lol: i know.. I first thought u were my sister but whew i knew it cuz her chin is different cuz of metal in it.
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