Another games "Question & Answer"


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
I like those idea from other forum so I took it to add here because I thought it would be fun to share the game with you all.

Well, let me tell you how it works: I start to ask a simple question, the next you to give your answer and makes up a new question for the following person and so on. Questions can be about anything.

Do you have pet? If yes, then which?
Do you have pet? If yes, then which?

Yes I do a hamster... My cute little one! :applause:

Ok my question....

What do you like most about yourself?
Hmm..what do I like most about myself? That I'm able to be a good listener when I can be. :D

What did you wish to be when you grew up?
An animal doctor.

What do you think is the most important goal one should have in life?
Most important goal one should have in the best you can be, always. Never give up, always keep setting goals higher than the last one you've achieved.


What was the last random act of kindness you've done for a stranger?
Giving a dollar to a customer in front of me when she realised that she was short in money.

If you could go back in time to any era and meet a person, who would it be?

I wanna see what everyone's talking about when they say my son has a Napoleon complex...and I'd like to ask HIM what's up with the hand in the jacket.

What animal best describes your personality?
umm.....a rabbit!

What kind of relationship are you looking for ?
love & respect & good friendship

what you hate about yourself?
I hate crying over little things, I guess I'm senstive!

What do you love about yourself?
I don't watch much of TV shows but for last several days I have been watching this show called Monster House.

When I say this word... RED, what was the first thing that came in your mind?


What movie star do you think you look the most like?
Some people said I looked like Selena.

Do you love chocolate?
Funny you ask. I actually do not like chocolate. I will eat it if it is there, but it is not one of my favorite food. I do enjoy hot cocoa.

What animal are you afraid of?
Yeah I like AOL....but it is not my favorite.

Have you ever meet anyone from the internet that you never met before??
I LOVE Chocolate...but too bad I can't even eat them since a couple of months ago :(

How many kids do you want?