I'm saddened to hear that anybody has to go though the anguish. No body has to go through this if people would follow common sense in following rules. Go you girl, make them own up to their mistakes. I'm so sorry this stupid crap happened.
To respond to someones comment about 2 weeks prior asking for interpreters. HELL NO. No deaf person has to wait 2 weeks to get into their doctors that they paid for through with their insurance. Every deaf person has the same right as any hearing person who is in pain to get an interpreter no matter on the length.
We're all human beings that will get hurt or sick whatever, we can't tell our bodies "oh wait you need to wait 2 weeks before we can go to a doctor" that comment makes NO sense at all.
AND its headache just to deal with insurance alone with referrals and going to doctor after doctor its all a freaking conspiracy on their part! 5 minute and $50 dollar copay visit after waiting 1 hour in waiting room. How messed up is that! To get 3x more doctors before I get the right specialist. Its already time consuming and the last thing we deaf people want to do is deal with the more delays due to interpreters. So I dont think its fair to say 2 weeks is reasonable. Its not reasonable when we have series of doctors to go to by the time my illiness would be 5x worst in 2 months and a little thing could easily be prevented only if I was hearing. The health care system is already messed up beyond what we all know. As far as I'm concerned, hitting them where the money is will only get their attention, its sad but people have to do lawsuits to make them understand it'll hurt them as well.