Another 1 trillion dollar injection?

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posts from hell

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Nov 30, 2004
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Is this gonna fly?

cant find an article i was reading, so im kinda behind on things...
after some seeking around, it seems to be tax cuts that will put back about 850-900 billion back into the system...

It all doesnt make sense to me
oh you're talking about tax shitnez.
No, it means that keeping the taxcuts for the wealthy is going to cost 800 billion in revenue. That money is not going to anywhere near back into the system. It's been proven time and time again that trickle down economics ("Reaganomics") does not work, and that wealthy people just hoard their money or reinvest it when given a tax break. On the converse side, it's been shown many times that the middle class, when given a tax break, puts the money right back into the system by spending it on necessary things.

I'm not sure how republicans continue duping people into thinking that tax breaks for the wealthy create more jobs. It's not true. DEMAND creates more jobs! Businesses won't hire unless more people people are buying things or need services. And who does the majority of purchasing in this country? THE MIDDLE CLASS.
No, it means that keeping the taxcuts for the wealthy is going to cost 800 billion in revenue. That money is not going to anywhere near back into the system. It's been proven time and time again that trickle down economics ("Reaganomics") does not work, and that wealthy people just hoard their money when given a tax break. On the converse side, it's been shown many times that the middle class, when given a tax break, puts the money right back into the system by spending it on necessary things.

I'm not sure how republicans continue duping people into thinking that tax breaks for the wealthy create more jobs. It's not true. DEMAND creates more jobs! Businesses won't hire unless more people people are buying things or need services. And who does the majority of purchasing in this country? THE MIDDLE CLASS.


The wealthy would enforce cheaper wages than to pay uncle Sam. And where would their money go? To pay for wars? Cheaper oil? On first impression this is a horrendous deal. Seems nobody in politics looks further than two years from now.
but...... both House and Senate are democrat-controlled.....
It is obvious that the House of Representatives and Senators do not want to pass the tax cut law. They rather to be richer and richer, and they screw everyone. Now, we are going to pay higher tax next year. I can't believe that they are spoiled brats.

It's no way for anybody to complain at the capital and state house. It is best for anyone not visit there. The employees at the government buildings should be bored with no one (and tourists) walk around inside the building for a long time. Is that a good plan?

If it is a good idea, then you can write your emails and spread them to your friends about not to visit at any government buildings until the congress make an official to apologize everyone and change the law immediately.
house = 239 rep to 188 dem

senate+ 53 dems to 47 rep

stalled stalled

and 60 senates needed to pass the extending Bush's tax cut so it means democrats need 2 republicans to join.

It won't easy at all due to filibuster.
It is obvious that the House of Representatives and Senators do not want to pass the tax cut law. They rather to be richer and richer, and they screw everyone. Now, we are going to pay higher tax next year. I can't believe that they are spoiled brats.

It's no way for anybody to complain at the capital and state house. It is best for anyone not visit there. The employees at the government buildings should be bored with no one (and tourists) walk around inside the building for a long time. Is that a good plan?

If it is a good idea, then you can write your emails and spread them to your friends about not to visit at any government buildings until the congress make an official to apologize everyone and change the law immediately.

Are you survived from tax rate in 1990's?

If you think that life in 1990's isn't bad so tax rate will revert back to 1990's level after tax cut expire.
Are you survived from tax rate in 1990's?

If you think that life in 1990's isn't bad so tax rate will revert back to 1990's level after tax cut expire.


Clinton was in office, ran a surplus, and no major official wars, cold war era coming to a close. Life was good. And "friends" was still on. Now we have crap like "16 and pregnant".
Oops. Looks like our government forgot us poor saps, I mean taxpayers. Seems they were busy kissing up with china and giving china $485 million to build a solar farm in texas.
We owe so much to china that we have to throw a few million at them or else they will bankrupt usa totally
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