Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

He tell me he have 'Aspergers' (which I do not understand) but, seriously!!

Hockey buddy:
A real sweetheart but she can be perverted if she wants to be
within reason

21 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
Within reason? Like a hearie girl Rebecca?

21 minutes ago Hockey buddy
Kind, loving, compassionate, caring, witty
A hearie girl?

19 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
Yes...'hearies' are people who hear...'deafies' are people who do not

18 minutes ago Hockey buddy
So deaf and normal?

18 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
so *YOU* are normal?
And *I* am not?
That's fine...we are *all* individuals
Not everyone will like everyone
Deaf are *VERY* blunt which probably explain why it do not bother me what you say
Hockey buddy: I didn't mean it that way

Just OY!! :eek3:

Same guy I post about earlier. :roll:
Got the 'pity' face today at bank. :roll: She ask if anything wrong because use pen/paper. Do 'deaf' sign for her and she look confuse so speak, "Deaf prefer not speak." Then I got the 'pity' face. :eek3:
Looks like your boss forgot your deaf in that moment.

I had some hearing people asking me if I can hear this or that or this, etc, usually loud noise like fireworks, plane, police siren, drill in ground, etc. I always say no I can't hear it, they look as don't believe me fully.

Yeah the boss seems to have forgotten about your deafness right when it was convenient for them.

That reminds me of my family when I was growing up and not yet an adult. In school, we had made little devices that did different things. My sister made a device that made a high pitch sound (as described to me by my family) when powered by a penny I think. My family was shocked when I told them I couldn't hear it even with using hearing aids. I think it was one of the first times they got a message saying HAs are aids, not cures! I'm not sure all of them even fully understand that today, but already it's time to shock them with "I can't use hearing aids anymore, it won't be like it used to be, and I cannot hear them anymore."
Yeah the boss seems to have forgotten about your deafness right when it was convenient for them.

That reminds me of my family when I was growing up and not yet an adult. In school, we had made little devices that did different things. My sister made a device that made a high pitch sound (as described to me by my family) when powered by a penny I think. My family was shocked when I told them I couldn't hear it even with using hearing aids. I think it was one of the first times they got a message saying HAs are aids, not cures! I'm not sure all of them even fully understand that today, but already it's time to shock them with "I can't use hearing aids anymore, it won't be like it used to be, and I cannot hear them anymore."

I don't wear hearing aids and I am profoundly deaf 100-120db range and I STILL get ask can you hear this or that. Sometimes I just say "I'm Deaf remember?", sometimes I just say "What do you think?" and sometimes I just laugh at them. They KNOW I am Deaf and cannot hear that.
The doctor I just saw who treats deaf people and others didn't communicate with me. Only talked to my husband like I was a child or something!! pissed me off!!!L
I was asked by the technician when my mother was having a medical test why I was not institutionalized since I was deaf. My mother complained to the supervisor and she was mortified by the accusation, asked the technician if it was true and she said "yes". She was relieved of duty and told to go home until they could have a meeting about it.
technician when my mother was having a medical test why I was not institutionalized since I was deaf.

Frankly, the technician should have been institutionalized as punishment.

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i am very ashame for still with HEARING boyfriend. i should get deaf man. i did not broken up with hearing bf yet but i will soon.

my story what is happening my hearing bf did told me today "asl make your engish is worse and you need speaking more with voice become high function like hearing person" i did fight with him and it is hurting my feel he say that to me.
i am very ashame for still with HEARING boyfriend. i should get deaf man. i did not broken up with hearing bf yet but i will soon.

my story what is happening my hearing bf did told me today "asl make your engish is worse and you need speaking more with voice become high function like hearing person" i did fight with him and it is hurting my feel he say that to me.

my hearing SO does the same thing... and when I sign to her... she makes me voice too... she says my voice sounds worse when i sign, says i sound "stupid" when I sign... I've been with her for 4 years now... and sometimes... I wonder... should I stay or should I go?
my hearing SO does the same thing... and when I sign to her... she makes me voice too... she says my voice sounds worse when i sign, says i sound "stupid" when I sign... I've been with her for 4 years now... and sometimes... I wonder... should I stay or should I go?

i do understanding and feeling your pain. i am honest, i do not thinking some hearing people can understand deaf and their deaf culture. but i do know how your feeling is, you are confused and unsure to leave her because you are have strong love for her am i right? wow 4 years is long time. i was with my hearing bf little more than 1 year and i will broken up with him soon bec he is looking down on deaf and disrespectfully to my culture. i am trys so hard be perfect girl for him but he is still not accepting me. i preach what i didnt practicing but i tell you right now you should left her. you need be with someone who is loving you for who you is and not discriminating you. your girlfriend sounding very PREJUDICES like my boyfriend.

it sound like you not have good communication with her. you need be with someone same level communication you and not make you feel embarrass when you talking. she is having no respect for your deaf culture and act like audist bitchy.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Ash, it's never acceptable for anyone to call you stupid but you already know that. This SO is holding you back. When you're ready to move forward, you will. I'm sorry that you've experienced this. You deserve more.
I know I do... its just... hard.. I do love her... but the more that I accept myself as who I am rather than being a broken hearie... the harder things get. she doesn't accept that I need to have accessible communication (she thinks that talking loud and having me lipread is accessible) and I know that I need to be treated with dignaty and respect... but I just... I don't know how to go about doing it... I don't know how to leave... I don't want to make a mistake by leaving... I don't know that i can afford to live on my own... and I know I'm just finding excuses to stay... but... I'm just... scared.
It's ok to be scared, Ash. I get scared, too. We all do. Hugs to you if you'd like them.
The next person who shouts at me is going to see the my back as a I walk off. I'll tell them that they are rude and walk away.
yes i does understand that feeling. i both loving and hating to my boyfriend and i am still fighting with myself "leave him? no you both shareing good memories. stay with him? leave him bec he thinking deaf people is not equally to humans." hard to choosing decision. sometimes my boyfriend a**hole to me but sometimes he sweet to me and give me love.
yes i does understand that feeling. i both loving and hating to my boyfriend and i am still fighting with myself "leave him? no you both shareing good memories. stay with him? leave him bec he thinking deaf people is not equally to humans." hard to choosing decision. sometimes my boyfriend a**hole to me but sometimes he sweet to me and give me love.

exactly sometimes she is super sweet, and gives me what I need... but then she is also a complete b*tch... a friend of mine from here recently shared this with me Issendai's Superhero Training Journal - How to keep someone with you forever
and it really rings true... look at:
Rule 4: Reward intermittently. Intermittent gratification is the most addictive kind there is. If you know the lever will always produce a pellet, you'll push it only as often as you need a pellet. If you know it never produces a pellet, you'll stop pushing. But if the lever sometimes produces a pellet and sometimes doesn't, you'll keep pushing forever, even if you have more than enough pellets (because what if there's a dry run and you have no pellets at all?). It's the motivation behind gambling, collectible cards, most video games, the Internet itself, and relationships with crazy people.

and that really... is how things are... its so... frustrating... and I am very scared... and I do need lots of hugs. Thank you guys. I know what needs to be done... I just don't know how to do it.
exactly sometimes she is super sweet, and gives me what I need... but then she is also a complete b*tch...

sounds like you are in fact suffering..and on the fence.. mostly more in pain than in love.

Time for change perhaps?
It will hurt, but you don't need to be abused.

Either your girlfriend shape up or ship out.

You deserve someone who will accept you wholly. Not this.


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