Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

My son ask me the other day, "Mum, can deaf people drive?" :shock:

Uh, son, here's your sign. :giggle:

"here's your sign" - always makes me laugh, would love to see one of their live performances :).
Out of curiosity how do you sign 'here's your sign'?
:giggle: I give him a look like, "WTF do you think I'm doing right now?"

I wonder if he think to self that maybe Mum driving against the law. Probably sit up late at night freaking out that his Mum criminal. :laugh2:

Reminds of time that take him for dinner not long ago. Have taught some ASL and one of sign teach him is "Yes." He ask me, all serious, "So, when Deaf people have sex do they sign yes throughout?" :giggle::roll:

This post makes me think that your kids have not made a connection between their visual/idea of deaf people and the 'deafness' that their Mom is experiencing. They see, love, interact and know "Mom", they do not see or know her as "deaf Mom". Maybe possible?
This post makes me think that your kids have not made a connection between their visual/idea of deaf people and the 'deafness' that their Mom is experiencing. They see, love, interact and know "Mom", they do not see or know her as "deaf Mom". Maybe possible?

Entirely possible. My DD knows me as Mom, not as d/hh Mom and she's 8. However I am sure that when she is older she will recognize it more than she does now, or she will recognize it more when it's just me and her and she will notice my modes of communication more.
This post makes me think that your kids have not made a connection between their visual/idea of deaf people and the 'deafness' that their Mom is experiencing. They see, love, interact and know "Mom", they do not see or know her as "deaf Mom". Maybe possible?

Think this very true. My own fault because wait so long to be authentic me so they grow up with 'pretend hearie' mother. They always know that I have trouble understanding but, because lip read, and accommodate them, they never really have to, how say, be forced to face my deafness. For example, as long as I still speak then maybe they imagine Mumma not deaf because maybe in their mind deaf do not speak? I'll have to explore this with them.
I can hear pretty well, and it makes me sick and very upset the things other hearing people do and say to d/Deaf and HoH people. Just because people are different doesn't mean you have to treat them that way.

And I honestly believe there should be like a class in school about how to "act" around people of other cultures. A lack of education in other cultures is a big problem in America. "Normal" Americans think they are #1 and everyone else is crap. Maybe if there was more education on the subject, it wouldn't be so much of a problem.

My husband has Deaf family members and I actually had to explain to him after the first time I met his family that over emphasizing his mouth movements and making random hand movements with his family is why they could never understand him. (His mum never taught him or his younger brother ASL. They are the only 2 in his family with no ASL knowledge)

Thankfully after that, he realized he needed to learn more about being d/Deaf and we took ASL 101 together and now he can sign a few things and he understands more about the culture. His family was very happy to see him sign for the first time last year! I was very proud of him!
I can hear pretty well, and it makes me sick and very upset the things other hearing people do and say to d/Deaf and HoH people. Just because people are different doesn't mean you have to treat them that way.

And I honestly believe there should be like a class in school about how to "act" around people of other cultures. A lack of education in other cultures is a big problem in America. "Normal" Americans think they are #1 and everyone else is crap. Maybe if there was more education on the subject, it wouldn't be so much of a problem.

My husband has Deaf family members and I actually had to explain to him after the first time I met his family that over emphasizing his mouth movements and making random hand movements with his family is why they could never understand him. (His mum never taught him or his younger brother ASL. They are the only 2 in his family with no ASL knowledge)

Thankfully after that, he realized he needed to learn more about being d/Deaf and we took ASL 101 together and now he can sign a few things and he understands more about the culture. His family was very happy to see him sign for the first time last year! I was very proud of him!

The problem is with the NCLB in action - teachers are only teaching Math and English.
Epic ignorant comment *ALERT*. :giggle:

Crackbook conversation:
Hockey buddy: Hi
Me: Hiya
Hockey buddy: If you're deaf how do you talk dirty to your man
Me: pfft do not need talk dirty just show

Out of the mouth of idjits. :roll:
He tell me he have 'Aspergers' (which I do not understand) but, seriously!!

Hockey buddy:
A real sweetheart but she can be perverted if she wants to be
within reason

21 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
Within reason? Like a hearie girl Rebecca?

21 minutes ago Hockey buddy
Kind, loving, compassionate, caring, witty
A hearie girl?

19 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
Yes...'hearies' are people who hear...'deafies' are people who do not

18 minutes ago Hockey buddy
So deaf and normal?

18 minutes agoRebecca Lynne Johnson
so *YOU* are normal?
And *I* am not?
That's fine...we are *all* individuals
Not everyone will like everyone
Deaf are *VERY* blunt which probably explain why it do not bother me what you say
Hockey buddy: I didn't mean it that way

Just OY!! :eek3:

Same guy I post about earlier. :roll:
some people are seriously stupid...

i was talking to a girl who used to be my friend's good friend.. and somehow the topic of deaf people came up. this is what she said

"your english could use some improving, but you can still write good. how is that possible if you're deaf?" :roll:
some people are seriously stupid...

i was talking to a girl who used to be my friend's good friend.. and somehow the topic of deaf people came up. this is what she said

"your english could use some improving, but you can still write good. how is that possible if you're deaf?" :roll:

:lol: I always enjoy people who are surprised by my intelligence!
Me, too. Even when it was solely because I'm a tiny female.
Had a police officer actually ask me today why I was driving and what gave me the right to drive. I was a witness to an accident involving an SUV not paying attention and running up onto a sidewalk and hitting a mother and child in stroller. The driver of the SUV was texting while driving. Since I was side by side with her on her left, I could see what she was doing. Mother and child were fine and did not get transported anywhere. SUV driver was ticketed and fined. I was chewed out for daring to drive a vehicle. I used my cell, texted a neighbor (Sheriff's Officer) who came right out and educated this officer about the rights of a d/Deaf driver.

Damn. Yet another moron with a badge.

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