Laugh. Just laugh at the hearings! The ignorant hearings are the WORSE, so LAUGH! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I dont' worry about them, I breeze by them, I do my thing, and just ignore the morons, ha ha ha ha ha!
I'm deaf, I am living in MY WORLD, they are not! Ha ha ha ha! It's GREAT! I don't worry about them, I don't worry about ANY of them! I IGNORES them. I do my own thing, and not worry nor waste my energies on THEM! Ha ha ha ha ha!
I have a hearing brother, two years YOUNGER than me, but he is the WORSE arsehole on the planet. He did the stupid hearing thing, do drugs, do booze, and thinks those things don't messes him up. Well, hello, after 20 years of doing booze and drugs, he's surprised he's sick, not well, and having to go to doctors every two weeks or whatever for handholding or whatever. Stupid idiot. I NEVER touch drugs if I can help it, and booze almost less. I refuse to touch things that might ****s me up one iota! Only MORONS does that. That's why they're MORONS! Ha ha ha ha!
I learns to avoid copying the moron ever since I was a kid. He'd do dumb stuff, and I'd see, and avoids it, and he never gets it. I see danger ahead, and I'd try to tell him, he thinks I'm stupid, so I shuts up and never tells him a thing, he can learn on his own. Dumb hearing morons!
I do not care about anyone, I do not care at all anymore. I used to care, but not anymore. Nice since that bitch broke my heart, and I'll never trust anyone ever again. The only one I trust is me and lord Jesus, that's it, nothing else. Everyone on this entire planet are untrustworthy liars and dirty whores, that's all. I'll NEVER trust a woman ever again, and never trust a man as well.
My trust is worth GOLD, and everyone FAILED ME. They can **** off! I do my own thing, live single life and no more stress and worry about love and trust and such. Better to be single and happy, than to worry about whores behind your backs!
I am STRONGER than them! Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm having FUN! And I LAUGH at the stupid hearings and the whores and scum out there, ha ha ha ha! They're all DUMB! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'll NEVER lifts a finger to help anyone, they all can go to HELL! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!