I'm getting a kick out of some of these responses (posts)!...

Hilarious.....I've also had my share of hearing people saying some of the most stupidist things....
The latest for me was...I went down to pay my cable bill. They had charged me 3x the normal amount, and I knew something was wrong....When it became my turn in line, I told the young girl behind the window that I was deaf and I needed a print-out of my bill, as the one charged to me was wrong...She looked dumb-founded...and said..."Get someone to call for you, as we are just a payment center"....
I told her in a nice way that I didn't "need someone to call for me"...that I was capable of doing that myself...all I needed was a print-out of the charges, and she would be able to do that....She finally did just that...and by then I was totally pissed off.....and bit my tongue from saying something else to her.