I'm pretty certain it's all memory. I did this with my husband several days ago as we were ordering food. He's hearing and after placing his order the lady garbled over the speakers " will that complete your order? " or something to that effect. Either he wasn't hearing it or paying attention but based on the time of when the lady said it I knew she had asked if he was done. I told my husband to say yes and he looked at me funny and asked " yes to what?". I said...dummy, that your order is complete. He looked at me and said I don't know how you understood what she said, I didn't know what she said so how could you? I explained to him that it was based on memory, patterns.
I do the same with people I work with and family. Once you're around someone long enough sometimes you don't need to hear them to know just what they are saying or asking you based on the timing of their response and body language, facial cues UNLESS you happen to come across someone who is unpredictable and there is at least 3 people I work with that irritate the tar out of me because I cannot get them pinned down and put into a neat little cubby and so it's a chore to attempt communication with these folks. I dislike unpredictable people, they make me very nervous as I rely on predictability to gauge future behavior and in general my safety. This includes everything from going to the store and watching those around me, whats typical of the cashier to say to you? At this particular store? What's the timing of the response after you said what you did? What's the normal response? :cue robot response from self:.....
I swear if you said to me everyday that the sky was blue I'd say-yes, it is. If you did this often enough I wouldn't have to look at you anymore to understand what you said IF you did this everyday at let's say 2pm. If you saw me the next day and said at 2pm the sky is purple I'd still say yes it is.
As a result of doing this I've gotten strange looks from people mainly the ones that are unpredictable or don't typically follow along like most others do and have had to self correct my auto pilot.
Anyone else here do the same?