I have had full-hearing all of my life. As one of "they, the hearing", some of what you guys said made me cringe. Some of it made me laugh. But all of it...well..made me think and think hard for that matter.
Have I been guilty of some of the things mentioned above? I'd be lying if I said no, as I probably have committed quite a few of the faux-pas that have been discussed. But you can only blame one thing and one thing only for our ignorance:
Lack of knowledge.
We, the hearing, like everyone else in this world, only know as much as we're told. If nobody in our lives EVER took the time to explain what we're doing wrong in regards to how we communicate with the HOH/deaf, then how are we supposed to know that we're doing anything wrong to begin with?
I suggest you teach those who commit these "sins of disrespect and ignorance". The best thing you can do for another is teach them how to be more respectful, understanding, compassionate, whatever word you choose to use! Don't hate us because we don't understand, teach us instead
You'd be surprised at how much we're willing to learn if given the opportunity!