Sometimes I'll take out my hearing aids to be alone. To enjoy the silence more or less. Its also when I wish not to use my voice. Today I did that at work and do from time to time with no issues because generally no one speaks to me. There's a new guy there who doesn't know me well enough to understand that when my hearing aids are out it means dont' talk to me. PERIOD. I told him today when he wanted to talk about his blasted hair that I didn't have my hearing aids in and could not hear him. What does he do? Even after I had previously educated him on how to communicate with me and how not to communicate? He breaks several of the rules I laid down. #1-I cannot hear you, don't bother. #2) yeah, I can read lips but um, I only pick up parts of speech so why are you reciting an entire paragraph to my face? Do you not get it? #3) hm, I read body language second to none and you are faking it, the conversation, pretending to care, pretending to want to talk when you're just joshing me around and making shit up just to get a laugh. Think I didn't notice?
that's my hearie complaint today. being taken for a fool-was rather amusing today not only did that happen but this guy also threw away everything I taught him, which at first he seemed to be rather open minded but I learned rather quickly that wasn't the case, months ago of course.
people like this are not worth my time speaking to. Why should I waste my energy to speak? To remain cordial I faked it just right back so, if he wants to think me a fool...
well, he got what he wanted. Cynical it may sound but if that's what someone wants I'll give it to them and when I get tired of it...then the real me comes out when they least expect it and then they shut up and walk away embarrassed or worried that they'll get in trouble when the realize I played them like a card same as they were doing me. It's my way of opening up a mind or two that is closed or just plain teaching the person a lesson not to judge a book by it's cover.
I'll be happy the day comes I won't have to do this just to get people to know, I'm Deaf. Whats so difficult to understand about that?
I'm just like you. I'm just Deaf. Think your smart enough to waltz by me without being read like a book front to cover? why the hearing think they hide what their body says is beyond me. You can't. It's annoying when someone tries. So go ahead. You cannot fake body language-and when you try I'll just do the same right back to you to give you a taste of what it feels like to be conned

only to find out that hm, I misjudged, she's not as socially inept as she appears to be.
::shakes head:: I've had to deal with this for years. it's getting old guys. anyone else in the same boat?