Analog HA's + android music, how?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2014
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I have a pair of old as dirt analog Phonak Pico Forte 3 SCD and I am wondering...

How can I get them to play music MP3's from my phone? It's an Android phone so has bluetooth but is there a way maybe to plug audio wires from my HA to my phone?

Thanks in advance~!
I think you really need a new more modern and capable hearing aid.

But on another subject, are you the person with the Lego leg?

I have a pair of old as dirt analog Phonak Pico Forte 3 SCD and I am wondering...

How can I get them to play music MP3's from my phone? It's an Android phone so has bluetooth but is there a way maybe to plug audio wires from my HA to my phone?

Thanks in advance~!

Are you the person who's screen name on you tube is Amputee OT, if so I love your videos. I use the KAFO called CBrace made by Ottobock

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I THINK you might be able to get FM boots for analogs- it's been too long so I'm not sure. With those you can get a DAI cord to plug into the hearing aids and the MP3 player/phone.
For anyone reading this thread because they have the same question I had, currently direct audio input shoes and the cable needed to plug your hearing aid(s) into your music player are available and I ordered those things. I'll update when I get em.
that's where I got my two cords (one shorter one longer)- WELL worth the money!

After waiting two weeks, I have been informed that Phonak does not make my shoes anymore. I can't afford newer HA's. Sadness!! for $50 I found these interesting headphones which use the t-coil on HA's. They have little hooks that hook on your ear; the other end goes into your standard audio jack and using t-coil it seds the signal through your hearing aids. I'll try this!