No more than I believe that acting on heterosexual inclinations is a sin.
But why would an all loving God create a homosexual just to put him or her through a lifetime of misery and testing?
Many of them think that, too. The concept which I've heard many times before is that any non-procreative and extra-marital sexual activity is a sin, and (choose one of the following two

either homosexual marriage isn't allowed just because, or homosexual marriage isn't allowed because homosexual sexual activity is non-procreative and thus would be a sin even if you were married.
It's all intermingled and doesn't make very much sense unless you begin to accept "Because Someone Else Said So" as a valid explanation for why something is Right or Wrong.
No idea, but isn't that what some religious people would say about people who were born "not normal"? It doesn't have to be homosexuality. It can be any deviation from the norm. Deaf, blind, mentally handicapped, and so on? Just in case deaf people freak out, I'm not saying that being deaf is a misery/abnormal, but OTHER people can perceive it to be.
I've heard deaf people on AD saying that other people tell them that they are deaf because one of their parents sinned or it's a form of punishment.
That's never happened to me BUT I've been told by others that being deaf is a test from God, "to push me beyond my abilities", and so forth.
So... couldn't the same thing apply for gay people too?
"Here, I made you who you are, a deaf person, let's see if you can go through life and still love me."
"Here, I made you who you are, a gay person, let's see if you can abide by my rules."
Different tests, but same outcome if you "pass", right?
I've heard this as well, often from many of the same people who espouse the views mentioned above.
Why would anyone be tested in such a manner or why would someone test them like this in the first place?
No, no, no, no, no. It's
God. You're not allowed to ask
"Why?" because he's absolutely perfect (because that's how he's been defined). We're merely
human, and thus only capable of merely
human emotions like compassion and empathy.
Like I said... I have no idea.
Someone asked if homosexuality is a sinful choice or born with it. This implies that if you are born with it, it's automatically not a sin. I wonder if people thought otherwise.
That's why I asked if anyone believed that gay people ARE born like that, that it is just not a choice and still believed that it's sinful behavior. One person already said that it crossed his/her mind.
I'm not a believer, just trying to understand the beliefs of others.
Also, if a scientist irrefutably proves that being gay is something that you are born with (from genes or whatever), does this mean everyone will automatically think it's not a sin anymore? Doubtful.
Not if the sin is the actual activity, rather than the inclination. Admittedly, that
is a somewhat more defensible position, since we obviously don't want anyone with
any sort of inclinations to be given free reign to act upon them simply because they're "natural", since to the best of my knowledge, there's no such thing as an "unnatural inclination".
I don't know which is worse, having a religious person telling me that God can cure me or having a massage therapist telling me that they can do stuff to help me hear better. The latter happens a SURPRISING amount....
Hm, I was going to say that they'd be about the same, but after thinking about it, I'd think the latter might ruin an expected pleasant massage, so that might be slightly worse.