American Patriotic Truck Picture


Active Member
May 31, 2005
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I'm proud to send this one


I was asked to send this on if I agree or delete if I don't. It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having "In God! We Trust" on our money and having "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to Shut Up and BE QUIET!!!

If you agree, pass this on, if not delete.

I AGREE !!!!

"God Bless America."
Banjo said:

What else is new?

I got that from e-mail circulation and I am sure you get some things in your e-mail that feature Canadian maple flying flags or something like that. The picture was downloaded off of and I don't know how to do photoshop.
Heath said:
I got that from e-mail circulation and I am sure you get some things in your e-mail that feature Canadian maple flying flags or something like that. The picture was downloaded off of and I don't know how to do photoshop.

Um, no... I don't. I don't read forwarded e-mails. E-mail circulation is the worst sort of information to rely on. They're almost always inaccurate or a hoax.

I know you didn't photoshop it, but somebody did. The sign on the back of the Ford is a fake. It's not really there.
Banjo said:
Um, no... I don't. I don't read forwarded e-mails. E-mail circulation is the worst sort of information to rely on. They're almost always inaccurate or a hoax.

I know you didn't photoshop it, but somebody did. The sign on the back of the Ford is a fake. It's not really there.

A friend sent that to me and how do you know if it is fake or not? I have seen those signs on I-79 Highway.
god...with all of Heaths patriotic sayings and threads and almost makes me embarrassed to be an american.

anyway, about the sign thing. ive also seen a slogan that says, "does my flag offend u? then call 1-800- kiss my ass."
Heath said:
A friend sent that to me and how do you know if it is fake or not? I have seen those signs on I-79 Highway.

The sign itself is the same size on all sides, but the photo is taken from a slanted angle. It's only rotated slightly.

Not only that, the lighting is off. The whole sign has the same shade of lighting. I'm not saying that signs like this aren't real, only that the one in THIS photo is a fake.

I'm pretty sure it's a fake.
Banjo said:
I'm pretty sure it's a fake.

i second that statement.
there ARE signs out there like that, but that one is fake
What difference does it make if it's fake or not. Look at the message/bigger picture.
is this patriotic for u Heath?

:rifle: :rl:

i know u like guns.
AJ, your'e getting about as pathetic as the people you rail against.
Tousi said:
AJ, your'e getting about as pathetic as the people you rail against.

first of was an honest question. i know he is insanely patriotic and he likes guns.

second of all.....are u in love with him?
Tousi said:
What difference does it make if it's fake or not. Look at the message/bigger picture.

The difference?

Hmm... real and fake... yeah, I can see the difference.

If it's a fake, then the bigger picture is irrelevant.
I grew up patriotic and guns were normal for wildlife hunting. Guns in the right hands can stop evil.

( look at how many lives have been saved from violent crime, a law abiding citizen shoots a theif intent on robbing then murdering only to be shot dead and the law abiding citizen is alive and the theif is dead, through his own conquensces of wrongdoing )

Liberals always say they are embarrassed to be an American.

I am not ashamed to be an American and a very strong American law abiding citizen and I have a very strong sense of law and order.
Am I in love with him, you say, AJ.....what a childish question to ask....I'm simply going by behavior that I see here, nothing more, nothing less and what I'm seeing has no redeeming value.

Banjo--I said the message, man, the message that is being conveyed is paramount, not the geeky tech stuff. Doesn't matter if the photo (in this case) is fake. Are you saying that IF the photo was real, then you'd understand the message? LOL!
Tousi said:
Banjo--I said the message, man, the message that is being conveyed is paramount, not the geeky tech stuff. Doesn't matter if the photo (in this case) is fake. Are you saying that IF the photo was real, then you'd understand the message? LOL!

I already know the message, but still... why do they have to fake it when they simply could take a real snapshot.

But I guess Americans are too lazy, they'll just sit at their computers and make a photoshopped snapshot so they don't have to walk that extra mile.

No wonder why the average American is overweight.


Just saying that sending a message is best done when it's authentic.
Banjo said:
I already know the message, but still... why do they have to fake it when they simply could take a real snapshot.

But I guess Americans are too lazy, they'll just sit at their computers and make a photoshopped snapshot so they don't have to walk that extra mile.

No wonder why the average American is overweight.


Just saying that sending a message is best done when it's authentic.

Banjo, I'll just take the higher road here and stand by my central message. I won't resort to insults.....this time.
Tousi said:
Banjo, I'll just take the higher road here and stand by my central message. I won't resort to insults.....this time.

I'm not putting down people for being patriotic, but it's quite obvious that some are just too darn lazy to get off their bottoms and take a snapshot of a vehicle featuring the actual sticker.

Now that would be the big picture.

My point is... far too many people are resorting to the advantages of photoshop to create their messages in such an artificial manner. It's now a rare occasion to see something real.

It seems like everything we get in e-mails regarding patriotic symbols are debunked. Especially the anti-liberal e-mails.

Whatever happened to authenticity?

People just found it too much of an inconvenience and took everything for granted instead.

What a sad thing to see.
Roadrunner said:
Banjo, AJ:

Enough...tsk tsk-- :nono:

I don't appreciate being disciplined for speaking my mind. I'm sure you don't either. I wasn't attacking any members here.