If you have a smart phone sufficiently advanced it is already with a map that knows where it is in the world. If not in a particular room or floor of your building as well. Its in the phone's android google maps etc. It will follow you. One time I had a doctors appt who moved already to another street across a large city, and once I put in the street name, the phone knew already where I was at currently (Old doc office) and it was no trouble to workout a map route to next location in a few minutes.
As a trucker I don't normally rely on GPS and prefer old fashioned motor carriers atlas from rand each year and pen and paper. However the laptop and smartphone does have GPS mapping for anywhere in the world in either Topographical (Land mountain mapping, for out west where there is no maps... you correlate to where you are and how high up in the terrain you are) or street maps etc.
I know the trucking company has tracking devices for the tractor trailer that is good down to about maybe 6 inches somedays anywhere in North America. Usually 10 feet or less which is plenty. When you go into places like NYC across the GWB into bruckner for the hunts point etc you are too busy to be dealing with GPS. You would have a list of streets to use and follow it. Getting out of there involves going another way now that the city has reconfigured some of the streets to calm down on the hundreds of truckers coming and going at all hours of the night.
The reason we don't "Rely" on GPS is self evident. There was a trucker in Arkansas who was led into the deep woods and across a 100 year old 6 ton bridge which immediately broke and drowned his rig and load into the river below. Now him, his company are being sued by the state because the driver blindly followed the GPS device. Not very professional at all and a utter failure. You can get into trouble.
Remember that I am not against technology, I have lived half my life before there was anything at all like technology you could use today. I think it was about 1998 when we had our first phones, GPS and computers, cameras etc. Anything before that we had absolutely nothing but your own mind, pen and paper. We had our first internet in 1992 and so on.
The first computer anything was put into trucks after 1994. Usually for speed enforcement to prevent us from letting her roll and make up some time. Its since evolved from there into today where its painfully obvious that anything you do in real time against company policy (Fail to wear a mask etc) can be recorded and used to punish or fire you.