I think these ads are focusing on people who lose their hearing as they get older, not so much on those who have been deaf from birth or a young age. Isn't it harder for those who have had full hearing to deal with losing it? I am studying to be a nurse, and have seen many many times older people who refuse to wear hearing aids, and for several reasons - Biggest two reasons being that the HA are not always comfortable physically, and also because they see problems hearing as a sign of "old age".
Also, we are talking about something for sale, and probably being sold by hearing people, who are coming at it from the standpoint of what they consider "normal" and are probably of the opinion that everyone wants to be "normal", everyone wants to be like everyone else.
Also, we are talking about something for sale, and probably being sold by hearing people, who are coming at it from the standpoint of what they consider "normal" and are probably of the opinion that everyone wants to be "normal", everyone wants to be like everyone else.