Well, back in 96 when I divorced my first and got full custody of my daughter, I was laid off shortly after. A good friend of mine who Ive known since grade school paid for a suit and some other items, filled my fridge and pantry and gave me some cash to buffer me a short while, all while I was interviewing for the police department, fire department and the city ( which I did land a career with the city that year ) when I got my first paycheck, I called him up ( he didnt know I landed a job yet) and invited him to meet for rackquette ball. After we went to tacobell for a cheap bite, thats when I handed him a check for the full amount ( $3000) and told him thanks for helping me in a time of need. We have been close friends for about 35+ years now.
We wouldnt hesitate to lend eachother money, as we say... " I know where you live" lol