AllDeaf Upgrade

Would it be better if it said QUOTE instead of REPLY?
never mind as i didn't realize that it goes scroll down and found the msg from PM !!! I get flip out in my own heaven ! lol by the way, Good job Alex !!!
javapride said:
HI alex, can u do us Aders a favor i dunno if others will say the same thing, but can u enlarge the fonts a bit as thier a bit small for me to read dunno what others would say i ended up putting my glasses on so i can see what its saying. it looks SMALL to me ... thanksssssssss :) MUCH apperticated and the AD s looking great so far :) keep up the good work :)
Sure, I'll work on the font size since you as well as others find it too small.
VamPyroX said:
Hmm... the member column seems a bit too wide. Think you can make it narrower? We already know that the standard avatar size limit is 100 x 100 pixels. I also noticed that some of the buttons are a bit too much. Perhaps, using icons instead of words would help. AIM, YIM, ICQ, and MSN all have their own cute little icons so those would look nice with your buttons. There's also a little house icon for homepage/website, a little envelope icon for emails, and a magnifying glass for searches.
Done with the icons, and I'll see what I can do with the column width. :)
Fly Free said:
can someone explain the reputation thingie and the 10 point thingie qq that is if anyone knows qq
Basically, each registered member gets 10 reputation points. You can rate a member's post by clicking on the small reputation button. Each time you rate a post you also affect the poster's reputation. So, a member with high reputation is well-respected and someone with a low reputation, well, you know. I'll be looking for members with high reputation from time to time so they can be AD's future moderators.

Hope that helps.
Sherrie said:
The new version of AllDeaf is pretty ugly I reckon.

I liked the other one better.

No offence to the AD administration... it's your choice :D
Sometimes I don't like the design myself, but at least it's different for a change. :)
prostock19 said:
Hey Alex, how do you turn off subscriptions??
Hi there. I believe if you go to your Profile CP, you can turn off subscriptions from there.
Alex said:
Basically, each registered member gets 10 reputation points. You can rate a member's post by clicking on the small reputation button. Each time you rate a post you also affect the poster's reputation. So, a member with high reputation is well-respected and someone with a low reputation, well, you know. I'll be looking for members with high reputation from time to time so they can be AD's future moderators.

Hope that helps.

THAT EXPLAINS thank u alex *rubbing hands* now i can do a clickie LOL! jikjk thanks so much alex
i can't find anywhere to help me to change my atavtar ... it really confused me now .. ummmm any hints pls ?
well it is a bit disorienting, but with the new semester coming it is fitting that AD has a new version :) got to keep up with the times!!!!
Alex said:
Basically, each registered member gets 10 reputation points. You can rate a member's post by clicking on the small reputation button. Each time you rate a post you also affect the poster's reputation. So, a member with high reputation is well-respected and someone with a low reputation, well, you know. I'll be looking for members with high reputation from time to time so they can be AD's future moderators.

Hope that helps.

ahh mucho gracias Alex for the explaination! :D so far so great on the upgrades with AD -- i did have a question for anyone who knew abt avatars like KW68 or someone had mentioned previously
Alex said:
Basically, each registered member gets 10 reputation points. You can rate a member's post by clicking on the small reputation button. Each time you rate a post you also affect the poster's reputation. So, a member with high reputation is well-respected and someone with a low reputation, well, you know. I'll be looking for members with high reputation from time to time so they can be AD's future moderators.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for explaination but how will we know what is our rates ??? just curious ...
knightwolf68 said:
hey i just notice something different and make me puzzled what heck is that ??? as i just saw the ppl who is on line here as i just copy and paste ...

knightwolf68*, Banjo, DefMATRIXense, +Freaky, KingCobra, kuifje75

so u see that freaky have plus beside freaky ??? and why is that * can someone explain to me what is it ?

Your Buddy - it means it's on your PM buddylist in AD. :) Hope that helped! ;)
Yea I notice that when I came on. Pretty cool Alex. Man you work to hard trying to keep this updating. Dont you ever get some rest? Take a break with your girl. :mrgreen:
knightwolf68 said:
hey i just notice something different and make me puzzled what heck is that ??? as i just saw the ppl who is on line here as i just copy and paste ...

knightwolf68*, Banjo, DefMATRIXense, +Freaky, KingCobra, kuifje75

so u see that freaky have plus beside freaky ??? and why is that * can someone explain to me what is it ?

You need to pick better buddies :asshole:
Hello? Are we or are we not going to get back the "View the latest posts" button? I don't like being in a maze......

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