on waaaay back home with authentic--about half way more. was SO ready to get out of vegas. I'd say overall, it sucks. heat, drunk people, didn't get to visit/see 4 places I wanted to and I forgot my D#*@ camera. first time in herstory grr.
Aww, Freckles...all I saw is your back.
lol.. wonder how did you knew it was me from just looking at my back. . .don't recall posted a picture of me here?
I was wondering why people think Marlee is fake.
Is it because she has hearing husband and children?
oh no, not at all. it's her personality, thinks EVERYONE likes her because of her fame. I don't. from what I can tell, she wants her name to be gold, shinning with her 1,000 watts white teeth. to be gold-est of all. what she doesn't remember is she's human just like everyone here; the only difference is being on TV.
The Miss Deaf International was a real mess last night! The wife of my friend text messaged him who shared news with us. She was so pissed off that the $85 admission was a rip off.
- People had to sit on the floor.
- One of the contestants cannot dance.
- The start of ceremony had been delayed at least once.
- A major screw up in the selection of final ten contestants.
- More.....
sitting on floor?? wow, I was there, walked around a lot because of my knee and didn't see that, know any reason why?
yeah, the organization SUCK, bad view--flat floor of seats, food was verrry late, show started an hour and 15 minutes later, lot of drunk people - no security or
anyone there to stop them being so rude (sitting on top of chair, not on chair to see better, screaming, pulled table cloths off and wore them as their coats, used camera flashes when on back of MDI ticket asked to please not and did I mentioned, SCREAM? I'm totally deaf but you could feel their voices on chairs), "15-minute intermission" went on for an hour, masters had to add and do some improvise shows while waiting for final decision about an hour and more. I felt so bad for one contestant! her name was called into top 10 then few seconds later master said it was a mistake and called the 'right' one. gosh, how can they do that? they had props messed up and some papers missing also, sadly.
although the women did beautiful and there was some good performances, I'm gonna write some suggestions to MDI, for sure. probably for partial of refund too. glad I paid for the cheapest one--if you thought women did exhibit themselves and their culture wonderfully, at the best they can, I felt worth it. was interesting to see their language and such diversity. love it! but do feel bad for $85 seaters, not very much different from $65 honestly. oh well.
miss france. glad she did! so deserved to. her heart shone, her answer to a question, EXCELLENT. in end she said, "share your heart with them, even a smile will give them a life." question was, "how can you help/save third countries of deaf children and people out there?" and her talent show was very unique! not many people would think of that.
it was nice meeting you too, kalista.