AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

ok ok ladies - go and make a new thread for the fund! :lol:
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shel90 said:
Hey everyone! My hubby and I had such a great time!!! I wanted to stay longer but my mind was no longer functioning due to exhaustion. Many of you made me laugh all night!

Thanks for the great time and I really hope to do it again soon!

Right now, we r eating breakfast in NYC before catching a bus back home. The cold is sooo painful but at least it is sunny. That helps a lot.

Love u all!!

Shel, I know that not enough time to talk more. So I really like to chat you. I think to visit some friends in Baltimore someday and may stop at your place. I will keep to touch you. I will wait to listen from you to arrive home safely.
Thanks to all who showed up last night. I had a great time. Dealing with a hangover right now. :drunk:
:drunk: *crawling back to bed*
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Alex said:
Thanks to all who showed up last night. I had a great time. Dealing with a hangover right now. :drunk:

I'm happy you had arrived home safely. No cop caught you while driving. LOL
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Jiro said:
:drunk: *crawling back to bed*

Jclarke said no hangover. Weird.
since this party was a great great great success beyond my expectation.... I'm already thinking of where to do this another party for next year :cool2:

but this time.. it'll be warmer!!! :mad2:
I'm on a megabus going back to home. Glad to know eveyrone got home safe. Gosh. Thank god I didn't have a hangover this am. Whew

Thanks to Jiro for making it awesome party. *waves waves *
Pictures???!!! :)

It's funny how a public forum can bring people together, and with that, brings new friendships...sometimes some of the best friendships ever. In my case, it allowed me to reconnect with someone who is now my wonderful husband and brought to me many wonderful friends...friends who are loyal, trustworthy, and downright amazing. Alex, look at what this forum did for the deaf community. Really. Deafness has its moments, sure...but one of the downfalls of being deaf is that it is so easy to become isolated in a world that is dominated by hearing folks. Yet, this forum gives us such an outlet to connect and befriend others like us. It is really something. It is. I want to hear more stories of how deaf people can reach out to one another...regardless of the miles between them.
I'm on a megabus going back to home. Glad to know eveyrone got home safe. Gosh. Thank god I didn't have a hangover this am. Whew

Thanks to Jiro for making it awesome party. *waves waves *

*blow kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss* and to others too

be safe! :wave:
Now, I am on the bus back to DC.

When we arrived, we got dropped off at a different location than I expected so my directions walking to the subway were null. My hubby and I walked a few blocks before giving up and calling a cab. The cab took us to our hotel which was so close by.

That hotel was very interestting. The elevator looked like it was built in the early 1900s and there was an elevator attentant. Wow! So we got to our was SMALL and my hubby was upset. I told him to relax and think on the positive side..that we were out of the cold. Oh it was beyond cold. The kind that can make your exposed skin hurt.

So, we freshened up. We used my directions to the restaurant. Was just a bock away..not bad! We ran into Paperclip looking for the restaurant. We found it and wow, it was tiny and there was already a big group. I sat next to Frisky Feline, Oddball, and my hubby. Chatted with them most of the time. My poor hubby was getting an anxiety attack from being squeezed in and he had to leave a few time to smoke so he can calm down. The food was GOODD!

My hubb and I left first to get the restervations to the bar since it was 10PM which was the time to show up. Nobody else was ready so we volunteered to hold the reservations at the bar. It was a very nice bar and the area that was reserved was very cozy. My hubby and I relaxed with some drinks while everyone else finished up with their dinner. The bar was a half a block away.

Then people started showing up..Phillips first and that was a surprise because she said she couldn't make it. She fooled us. She got a sweet gift for JClarke. Maybe he can explain what it it but WOW, I was impressed with her thoughfulness. Sweet lady. We chatted and then everyone started showing up.

I spent the night chatting a lot with Daredevel, Jclarke, Frisky, Philiips, Chevy, Alex, Julie terp to be, Jiro, and a few others.

Daredevel, Alex, and Jake were sooo hilarous the whole night. Made me laugh and laugh.

Frisky is sooooooooo sweet! Loved chatting with her.

My hubby talked with Julie-to-terp, Craig, Frisky, and a few others mostly.

We left around 3 30 am because I was hurting mentally due to being exhausted and my hubby was very drunk. We walked back to the hotel..I had to help him walk a straight line. Hahahaha! I didn't even get drunk..too busy chatting to think about drinking much anyway. That's good. :)

Basically everyone was great. I couldn't ask for a better AD meeting than this one.

Many people thought my hubby was deaf due to his signing skills. Lol

A lot of pics were taken so iam sure they will get posted soon.
Pictures???!!! :)

It's funny how a public forum can bring people together, and with that, brings new friendships...sometimes some of the best friendships ever. In my case, it allowed me to reconnect with someone who is now my wonderful husband and brought to me many wonderful friends...friends who are loyal, trustworthy, and downright amazing. Alex, look at what this forum did for the deaf community. Really. Deafness has its moments, sure...but one of the downfalls of being deaf is that it is so easy to become isolated in a world that is dominated by hearing folks. Yet, this forum gives us such an outlet to connect and befriend others like us. It is really something. It is. I want to hear more stories of how deaf people can reach out to one another...regardless of the miles between them.

pix will probably be up tonight or tomorrow since everybody's still on their way home
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Jiro said:
since this party was a great great great success beyond my expectation.... I'm already thinking of where to do this another party for next year :cool2:

but this time.. it'll be warmer!!! :mad2:

AllDeaf meet party at Australia next year. I'm just kidding, LOL. I know that mostly they can't afford to buy airline tickets.
Thanks Jiro for making this event successful it was just what I needed. Kisssss!!
Thanks Jiro for making this event successful it was just what I needed. Kisssss!!

*blow kiss kiss kiss kiss* dang I didn't get to chit-chat with you and your hubby much. so many people to chit-chat, so little time lol!
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deafbajagal said:
Pictures???!!! :)

It's funny how a public forum can bring people together, and with that, brings new friendships...sometimes some of the best friendships ever. In my case, it allowed me to reconnect with someone who is now my wonderful husband and brought to me many wonderful friends...friends who are loyal, trustworthy, and downright amazing. Alex, look at what this forum did for the deaf community. Really. Deafness has its moments, sure...but one of the downfalls of being deaf is that it is so easy to become isolated in a world that is dominated by hearing folks. Yet, this forum gives us such an outlet to connect and befriend others like us. It is really something. It is. I want to hear more stories of how deaf people can reach out to one another...regardless of the miles between them.

I have lot of pix. I will make some of
them soon but Jclarke will let me do it.