AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

Got bus tickets to NYC and got the hotel room. My hubby and I are ready to go! Yay!!!!

This will be my hubby's first time in

LOL. Hope your hubby enjoys the wierdo "form of deafies" peeps. Just kidding.

my hubby isn't up to NYC. He knows me that i am a social butterfly and act like a teenager like always. :giggle:
So far, it is Jiro, Alex, JClarke, Julie-terp-to-be, Frisky Feline, and I?
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shel90 said:
So far, it is Jiro, Alex, JClarke, Julie-terp-to-be, Frisky Feline, and I?

I'm too to go.
I am coming! I think I am the only one who is actually FLYING there? :D
ahhh, I would think it would be so much fun, but it wouldn't be logical now to get plane ticket today for this weekend. plus I don't want to add to everyone's troubles of directing me where to go without due notice. Oh yeah and I'd need a room. I was just too wishy washy about it for too long.