Member history


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
So I was glancing over the Top 100 contributing posters on over on the Member's List.

I was thinking, it'd be fun to write a little about each of them.

Kind of like an "AD wikipedia" for anyone/newcomer/unacquainted who looks around and says, who are you? How do I get to know you?
Then there's that one line reference you can look em up, maybe in this post. Could possibly link them to their "Ask me anything!" pages.

Maybe a better way of saying it would be a yearbook.

Can even do something funny too, as in info written about them. Of course, with their consent if they approve of it.

For example:
VamPyroX is #1 on the list, so I would say something that best represents him like:

1. VamPyroX - He may be from hell, but he doesn't bite. His favorite line is ";)".
2. Liebling:))) - The uber representative of the board. She's the latest with all the USA and world news. :deal:
3. jillio - Resident psychiatrist & proclaimed master shaman of various lost arts. :)wiggle:)


Only problem is, I think I can't re-edit my original post past a certain duration.. so I'll have to figure out of a way to do that.

And a limit. Where is gonna be the limit?

And another, is various old members who have high post count but disappeared. I/we'll have to rely on the comments of another to fill in their wikis, yeah? Lots of people come and go.

So, what do you think?
Yay or nay?
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

PS. The reason I initially thought about doing this is to get the board "more active" in a way, for both lurkers/underposters and dominating posters to maintain their ranks.
How do we know which ADers have been written about and by whom? One person could start by writing something about the #1 poster and we could continue on down the line, but I think that would be rather difficult to keep track of.
I can't believe that bbnt and I are still in the top 100, especially since bbnt hasn't posted here in well over a year. Which means that there's really only a handful of people keeping this thing afloat. But I guess that's true of most medium-sized boards.
That's the only limitation, the forum settings are set so that your edit button expires after 24 hours since initial post. Most other general forums have been set so that the OP can re-edit his/her post an indefinite amount of time.

The only way to bypass this (crudely) for now is to have a moderator edit the post for you, since the edit function is indefinite for them. But that's kind of a hassle and I don't think both parties would be willing to compromise for that in the long run.

So the only real option (as for now) is to discuss each and one of every member till we reach the end of where everyone wants to be, then I can create the finalized list and post it from there, or as some other topic.

I can't believe that bbnt and I are still in the top 100, especially since bbnt hasn't posted here in well over a year. Which means that there's really only a handful of people keeping this thing afloat. But I guess that's true of most medium-sized boards.

ooh! An old one! Welcome back!
That's the only limitation, the forum settings are set so that your edit button expires after 24 hours since initial post.

It's 24 hours now? Used to be like 15 minutes. You can thank Miss P for that.
It's 24 hours now? Used to be like 15 minutes. You can thank Miss P for that.

You're correct. It's 15 minutes. I know that because there have been times when I've gone back to a post I've written after 20 minutes and couldn't edit it.
mm.. I can still edit my post from ~18 hours ago, that's the latest I have between 18 and 24 hours. I don't know about you guys. Perhaps it's a VIP member only function?

That's the only other reason I can think of.

But anyway, let's not draw ourselves into the discussion of "editing posts", as that is not what this topic is regarding.
I do appreciate the light of information being brought into it, however.

By the way, what brings ya back if I may ask?
Back in the day, there was no limit. You could even delete an entire thread if you wanted, if you were the person who started it. And then the trolls came…
By the way, what brings ya back if I may ask?
Kind of missed the place. Don't have much time these days for message boards, but every once in a while it's nice to try to relive the good old days. You can't go home again, though. :(
Kind of missed the place. Don't have much time these days for message boards, but every once in a while it's nice to try to relive the good old days. You can't go home again, though. :(

Yeah, I hear you and think I know where you are coming from. There's always the new kids in the block though, just like reliving the high school nostalgia, if you want to mess with them or show them your members only jacket.

Well, I am off to hit the sack if you'll pardon my short leave. I'll check in on you if you're still around by tomorrow, :lol:
Back in the day, there was no limit. You could even delete an entire thread if you wanted, if you were the person who started it. And then the trolls came…

I d love that!! its MY own post to edit it whenever i please. :giggle:
I like Naisho's suggestions in this thread. I wonder if we could utilize the blogs feature somehow to make this work?

I used to be on another forum where we had unlimited time to edit our posts. Then they changed it because sometimes something inflammatory got written and those posters would deny they wrote it in the first place (because they went back and edited it, especially if no one used the quote feature), so the forum reduced the unlimitation to minutes instead. I'm guessing that could be a reason why we only have a certain amount of time here too. It's all good by me!
WOOT! I am still in the top 100! Dang, where is bbnt lately? :hmm:
So, Oddball and Kalista, how are you guys doing today?

If you were asked to describe each other in a few words or a sentence, what would you say?

Who's Levonian to you guys?

Who would be doing an wiki on me, since I am well known here. I am in the top ten on the list, nice.
I will take on the reins of this project with my free time.
First things first though, I'm still gathering what is the majority census of the rest of the "top posters" if they agree or disagree with this "project".