All Men In North Korea Are Now Reportedly Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jon

I think communism in theory is good. But them democracy aounds pretty in theory too. But either in practice...ugh... But i guess i would still vote for democracy cuz the communist sont seem to happy right now but idk they could be happy and U.S. Is just making it look otherwise
I got lucky too, both my parents spent WWII in Europe. My mother was actually born in a deported persons camp in Germany. All she ate for her first three years of life was bread and tea, which is why she has no teeth now. Once, she and my grandmother were out mushroom picking for food. There was a mossy log and my grandmother sat on it to take a break. By this time the camp was under control of the Americans, and some guy comes running and screaming at them to get off.

They were sitting on an unexploded armed bomb.
Trust me dreamer your better of in the states,,,,,,
Better dead then red!!,
That said Cuba is ooodddles of fun, those Cuban chicks are smoooookin, and they can dance too
I love Cuba. That said Cuba is in no way shape or form North Korea though.

What a nightmare nk is.
Home is the most beautiful place on earth. That is the way the North Koreans feel about it.
Give them a break.
Don't be so sure about that. Escape from camp 13 comes to mind
Home is the most beautiful place on earth. That is the way the North Koreans feel about it.
Give them a break.

I've never heard a single escaped North Korean say that. I think it might have something to do with the starvation, putting entire families in their prison camps for one person's mistake like having a DVD, and generations of families do not leave those camps. The overall poverty and lack of things like electricity which is done on purpose. Just maybe.

New Space Station Photos Show North Korea at Night, Cloaked in Darkness

The thing is, more and more things are being smuggled in, like movies and phones. The North Koreans are realizing that the rest of the world is not like what they are told, and they aren't happy about their situation once they know. They have major Stockholm Syndrome, to boot, if you want to give a name to their adoration of the leaders of the country.
Oh please. They could say the same thing about our starving children and sheer number of prisoners, blah blah.
Well I'm sure they do......the easy test is this
How many people are literally dying to cross the border into North Korea for a better life
How many are doing that to get to America
If North Korea passes the above simple test then I'll agree with you
How many?
I think your question should be how many are dying to leave the US. Because many people from Mexico and Central America are losing their lives to get into the US every day.
Sure I'll play
How many people are dying to leave the U.S
How many are dying to leave North Korea
Don't get me wrong.
America has allot of plms. One of which is it's massive prison industrial complex, that said North Korea is on a level all together different in how it treats and handles it's people