Good Luck Lil_country_gal!!
Tomorrow is the big day wish me luck!!!
Tomorrow is the big day wish me luck!!!
It was horrible I was nervous and the tester scared the living day lights out of me and and and and They.... I can't believe they did this but...
THEY PASSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am offcially now a licensed driver of minnesota
Well just for that it looks like i'll be making a special road trip.Minnesota? Nah, I'm not worried!
Unless... you come to New York!
Dont be afreid She's driving a
Dont be afreid She's driving a
Nope I'm driving this
Ah, I guess I'll have some eggs ready to throw at that car!Dont be afreid She's driving a
Why not the trucks? Real Texans drive truck. lol jk.
Good job for the test. And...be still careful. heh
Wow! A lot of cargo space in the back of the car! Nice!
Yeah big enuff for a twin matress.