All DEAF??

The reason is I´m here because AllDeaf is very friendly forum. I collect interesting experience & feedback here.

It would be boring when we discussed all the time over CI, HA, etc etc etc because we already have hot discussion over that situation at few months ago. I´m tooooo tired to repeat my opinion over CI. I don´t like people tried to convince us over CI because it´s "pushy". I´m happy what I am. I´m here to share our feedback/opinion/fun.

You are welcome to create any thread if you like.

You don´t have to post there if you think it´s boring.
Malfoyish said:
No problem :) They'll be here Thursday. Day after tomorrow, around high noon!

Topic off:

Have a fun... Don´t forget to fed Angel with drink to melt her shyness away :lol:
:giggle: ...very funni Lieblinggirlyie!! btw Roadrunner is coming too!...

I agree that this forum isn't just about deaf issues only because this forum is open for Hearing and Deaf people...

There are so many things in life we deal with everyday...And I feel very comfortable to discuss things that may be personal, also knowing that I can get feedbacks without being insulted or put down....I have many great friends whom I've met through AD ( and you know who you are ;) )...This is my second forum and I have no desire to look any further because I feel at home and AD has the friendliest members.....

As far as topics that you feel it is boring , I personally don't find it boring myself here, and usually when I do read some boring topics I just don't post anything in there and move on to other topics, so simple to do!....

*Brings out my calculator...*...I don't see any ' percentages ' in here...*puts my calculator away* must be talking about some other forum there....

Lastly, I'm here to stay! Happy posting :bye:

HelloKittyGal said:
I can't believe this site bleeps out the other website forums. That's selfish.

I don't find it being ' selfish ' but ' mature ' sure!....I love the PEACE ;)
^Angel^ said:
:giggle: ...very funni Lieblinggirlyie!! btw Roadrunner is coming too!...PEACE ;)

Hey I would love to see you three but I had surgery last week and I am not heal enuff to have a good company. Maybe next time... ;) Have fun!!
I agree with HKG and Malfoyish and others. I like this site because it's full of variety. Not limited to deaf stuff. We're all deaf, well most of us are, anyway we have to contend with deaf issues every day in real life and we'd like a respite from that from time to time. :)
well whoever coined "variety is the spice of life" was much correct on target...
The "dirty" smilies were implemented a while ago, and I haven't bothered to see if they're used frequently, or not. This is actually the first time it was brought up as being problematic or offensive. If others feel that way, I can always remove 'em, no problem. I'll leave this up to my members.

Every forum is different. And from what I have seen before, the majority of the forums have an off-topic forum or off-topic posts created. So does If AllDeaf was purely about hearing aids, cochlear implants, TTYs, etc. -- I think it would've been boring and I'll probably quit administering AllDeaf. LOL

If you noticed a website being censored, it was censored for a good reason or two. I honestly don't have to give you an explanation because, first of all, they don't deserve recognition for their actions made against AllDeaf (bashing, stealing members, copyright infringement, spamming, etc.) and, secondly, it's none of your business. I prefer to keep these issues quiet around here and not disturb the peace. But if you really have to know, you can kindly ask for a brief explanation via PM. And please do not try to find ways to uncensor websites because that will only cause more problems and you'll get a warning and possibly get banned. There are plenty of deaf-related websites/forums out there that are not censored here and do deserve recogntion, such as et al

If you don't like the way things are run around here, then you're always welcome to leave, but just don't try to stir things up around here and create heated discussions that will lead nowhere but the trash. If you have any questions regarding issues like those mentioned above, the mods and administrator(s) are the ones you should be asking those questions because they will provide you with better answers.

Alex, thanks for posting. One of the thing is that I really do not want to see the emoticons. So far, I like AllDeaf, but the emoticons is something that I see and would rather have the options to turn them off. Maybe you could have an option to turn them on and off for whoever wishes it? I can't automatically block dirty emoticons when I want to search for nice ones or when I reply to posts and they are on the right side. That's my opinion on this matter. I would want to turn it off.

P.S. I have heard of the copy right problems, so I now get why it's bleeped out. No prob.
I think I will take a look at different forums. I had participated in one forum relate to Appalachian Trail hiking, and of course, that forum is made of hearing hikers, and all of the thread and topics are sensible. I enjoy learning while reading them.

This forums is about to encourage me to take a look at different forums where people share the experience and questions that need to be answered mainly about deaf. I don't have so much time reading a lot of crap. I need to conserve some time for something else.

I got links to other forums which I got from my friend who knows that I don't fit in here... I can come here sometimes to check for anything new... Ill visit here sometimes... and will make some posts.

Have a good one.

Flash Hand