Alabama Lawmaker Proposes Mandatory Castration For Child Sex Offenders


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Apr 22, 2007
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An Alabama lawmaker wants to introduce a new form of punishment in addition to imprisonment for those found guilty of child sexual abuse: permanent surgical castration.

State Representative Steve Hurst's bill would mandate that any person over the age of 21 who commits a sex offense against a child 12 years old or younger be surgically and permanently castrated before leaving custody.

“They have marked this child for life, and the punishment should fit the crime,” Hurst stated.

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This isn't Hurst’s first time introducing the bill.

"I had people call me in the past when I introduced it and said, 'Don’t you think this is inhumane?' I asked them what’s more inhumane than when you take a little infant child, and you sexually molest that infant child when the child cannot defend themselves or get away, and they have to go through all the things they have to go through," said Hurst. "If you want to talk about inhumane, that’s inhumane."

He said he believes that this punishment would reduce the number of sex offenders by making them think twice.

The bill will have to pass the judiciary committee before it’s heard by the Alabama House and Senate.
I don't think it would work without including a lobotomy. Otherwise, it might just convert child molesters into child killers.
Children molesters will find other ways to molest children , the only way to keep this from happening is to lock them up for good or use Reba suggestion .
I don't think it would work without including a lobotomy. Otherwise, it might just convert child molesters into child killers.

or laser surgery to burn a portion of brain that responsible for sex drive.
It's not about their sex drive. People who molest do it due to control issues. If you deal with the psychological issues, then the control disappears. I do not think it's inherent or a sexual orenitation.
That may be true but I do think there's something to the theory that there is some kind of 'drive' behavior wise within the brain. There are some molesters who were never molested, abused or otherwise 'damaged' in growing up. Yes some may have control issues but some I think have a switch in their brain turned "on" to go and mess with children...
DeafDucky's right. There have been a couple cases come up where a stroke or accident has caused someone to become attrackted to chilldren. Really points the finger at a physical problem in at least some cases.
That may be true but I do think there's something to the theory that there is some kind of 'drive' behavior wise within the brain. There are some molesters who were never molested, abused or otherwise 'damaged' in growing up. Yes some may have control issues but some I think have a switch in their brain turned "on" to go and mess with children...
On the other hand....... You look at the greater picture (ie personality issues or general dysfunction) and usually you can kind of tell where the child " attraction" comes from. In some cases like a stroke or other brain damage yes, it explains it.... but the overwheming majority tends to be due to a greater pattern of dysfunction.
Hmm... and if they are latter proven to be innocent... whoops! Sorry about that.... come now, what is next.... bringing back branding irons? We should not disfigure a person, just because a criminal does something bad, we need to have and meet better standards then that.
really? So pedophiles is ok for you? Maybe deaf schools needs to raise the standards for background checks on staff who manned the dorms.

Hmm... and if they are latter proven to be innocent... whoops! Sorry about that.... come now, what is next.... bringing back branding irons? We should not disfigure a person, just because a criminal does something bad, we need to have and meet better standards then that.
really? So pedophiles is ok for you? Maybe deaf schools needs to raise the standards for background checks on staff who manned the dorms.


That's not what Jezie said. Should we start mutilation as punishment back up? Cut the hands off theives? What about the wrongfully convicted?
On the other hand....... You look at the greater picture (ie personality issues or general dysfunction) and usually you can kind of tell where the child " attraction" comes from. In some cases like a stroke or other brain damage yes, it explains it.... but the overwheming majority tends to be due to a greater pattern of dysfunction.

Many phycological dysfunctions run in families pointing at a gentic connection. It seems there is a strong mix of nature and nuture that controlls who we become. Having a certain gentic trait might make someone more likly to develop in a certain way. The stroke victims just points out the effect brain "wiring" has on our behavior.
In Saudi Arabia, they beheaded or cut off the hands per sharia law and cultural Muslims crap.

DOJ and our President are mostly for criminals' rights. rarely for the victims.

That's not what Jezie said. Should we start mutilation as punishment back up? Cut the hands off theives? What about the wrongfully convicted?
Cutting off body parts is irreversible. People are found to be wrongfully convicted all the time. So even if you believe it's acceptable to do so you'll be doing it to innocent people as well as the guilty.

It's hard to pin down a number but estimates are between 2.3% and 5% of all prisoners in the U.S. are innocent. So for every 100 "hands" you chop off 2 to 5 of them will be from innocent people.
Cutting the tongues off of politicians seems to be a grand idea..mmmmmmm hell. .
lets not be underachievers here
go for the heads...

Then again.

I feel chopping people apart for what ever reason. Real or imagined has no place in a civilized society. And for all who wish for us to emulate utopias and paradises such as Saudi Arabia...I'd chip in for a one-way ticket to a "get lost" fund. For yous.
Ill cop it up to my civic duty and all that jazz....
My opinion is - it's a combination of brain chemistry and environment for things like rapists etc - ans so far as forced castration - while it may be very self-rewarding for some to postulate< and I can understand why a survivor/victim would think so> seems quite barbaric in most instances.

*an aside - welcome back, Hoichi - can't find your "return" thread and don't know if I gave you a Hey! :wave:*

ok, back on topic....
really? So pedophiles is ok for you? Maybe deaf schools needs to raise the standards for background checks on staff who manned the dorms.

How about reading what I wrote. No need to contribute to the population who have the mental agility of a nail...
That's not what Jezie said. Should we start mutilation as punishment back up? Cut the hands off theives? What about the wrongfully convicted?
Thank you, too many are wrongfully convicted. The practice of mutilating and disfiguring citizens was deemed barbaric long ago.
A deafism email. oppressing deaf people's intellectual diversity.
You don't have kids, do you?

How about reading what I wrote. No need to contribute to the population who have the mental agility of a nail...