yea ive had conflicts by way of AIM and Liza is right -- best just block them once and for all but then again some ppl would choose to go by way of emails instead of IMs and that does create more further conflicts so i tend to just make my statement clear to them and leave it at that and ignore any further emails that might be coming in or block them either way works
some ppl would insist on continuing the argument in any form of communication ie: emails, IMs, PMs, whatever -- i find that pretty juvenile like Liza has said -- i would have asked them to stop emailing, IMing or PMing me cuz ive already made my statement and i figure the discussion to be over but its not and i go
still dwelling qq good grief :roll:
Banjo -- i uddy how u feel and what u are going thru -- every time i get an IM from someone i dont know i tend to not accept their IMs cuz u never know who it might be even if it might be a long time friend who has changed their SN and not notify u ahead of time -- 1 friend is FAMOUS for adding so many AIM sn's i tend to accept those cuz shes pretty predictable on what AIM sn's she would create -- yea shes a member here on AD
some ppl would insist on continuing the argument in any form of communication ie: emails, IMs, PMs, whatever -- i find that pretty juvenile like Liza has said -- i would have asked them to stop emailing, IMing or PMing me cuz ive already made my statement and i figure the discussion to be over but its not and i go

Banjo -- i uddy how u feel and what u are going thru -- every time i get an IM from someone i dont know i tend to not accept their IMs cuz u never know who it might be even if it might be a long time friend who has changed their SN and not notify u ahead of time -- 1 friend is FAMOUS for adding so many AIM sn's i tend to accept those cuz shes pretty predictable on what AIM sn's she would create -- yea shes a member here on AD