AIM ABUSE: Ever Experienced It?


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I recently was verbally abused on AIM by an AIM user named, Hitlershackers. So was one of my friends, only under a different name which was, Kid Mayor.

The language used was not acceptable and uncalled for. This person somehow found out what my AIM screename was. I have a good feeling that he found mine at a forum where he used to post.

I am very confident I know who it is.

Anybody here ever been verbally abused on AIM by somebody under a different name?

I personally think these types are cowardly.

Express your anger and frustrations here!
happened to me few times but I blocked them for good heh and they never bothered me again ;) ignoring those cowards wud help u out banjo.. if u try to get back at them they can sure do something worse so trust me on that one.. :)
If recieved the number of verb abuses from ex-girlfriend thru arguement count as AIM abuse thru AIM then I guess yeah I do have that experience as well. Other than that, I don't have any problem with AIM or MSN.
That is simply infantile that an adult has resorted to that. It helps to ignore or block them. There is a feature on AIM that prevents strange IMs from other people who aren't part of your buddylist, I think. I strongly recommend you enable it. I assume you contacted AIM about your complaint. I hope you are OK!

Also, no, I haven't experienced malicious verbal abuse via AIM. I hope I never have to.
Only once did to me before but, then after that I blocked that person for good before I deleted AIM. I don't think it is a good idea for me to give out my screen names for Instant Messenge chat. It will less annoy me this way since I want my friggin' peace !
Liza said:
There is a feature on AIM that prevents strange IMs from other people who aren't part of your buddylist, I think. I strongly recommend you enable it.

In case anyone doesn't know how:

Go to My AIM > Edit Options > Edit Preferences > Click on Privacy > Check where it says "Allow only users on my Buddy List"


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Liza, that's useful feature for anyone as long as that person is amatuer with AIM but actually regardless if you enable privacy or not, someone can bypass by click your sn and IM you. However that is useful for anyone who don't know you if you are online or offline though.
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Magatsu said:
Liza, that's useful feature for anyone as long as that person is amatuer with AIM but actually regardless if you enable privacy or not, someone can bypass by click your sn and IM you. However that is useful for anyone who don't know you if you are online or offline though.

How does that work if the sn is not on their buddylist?
Well if they know your sn and add it to buddylist, it will be "grey" highlight (offline status) and all they can do is click that offline sn.. assuming that you are online, they will get thru and IM you. That's what I learned from technology forum who several people posted and complained about it.
Banjo said:
I recently was verbally abused on AIM by an AIM user named, Hitlershackers. So was one of my friends, only under a different name which was, Kid Mayor.

The language used was not acceptable and uncalled for. This person somehow found out what my AIM screename was. I have a good feeling that he found mine at a forum where he used to post.

I am very confident I know who it is.

Anybody here ever been verbally abused on AIM by somebody under a different name?

I personally think these types are cowardly.

Express your anger and frustrations here!

It happend to me today for the first time. I had NO frigging ideas of who they were. Same nicks that went for Banjo -- Kid Mayor and Hitlershackers...

I have never talked to them before...

What the heck's going on? :confused:
Magatsu said:
Well if they know your sn and add it to buddylist, it will be "grey" highlight (offline status) and all they can do is click that offline sn.. assuming that you are online, they will get thru and IM you. That's what I learned from technology forum who several people posted and complained about it.

Ah.. is it possible to enable some feature that blocks unknown IMs even if they got our usernames on their list?

WaterRats.. it sucks when others try to pull you down eh? You still win if you dont them, though. :thumb:
Magatsu said:
Well if they know your sn and add it to buddylist, it will be "grey" highlight (offline status) and all they can do is click that offline sn.. assuming that you are online, they will get thru and IM you. That's what I learned from technology forum who several people posted and complained about it.
I believe that you are talking about that on MSN Messenger, not AIM?
Anyway, this is a repost from another forum....

Hmm, I cannot recall being harrassed by such, probably because I usually put my AIM screen name under restriction, only people on my list could see me on-line. I have not used AIM in ages.

Banjo, do you know how to trace IP address through AIM? --- Open command (or whatever you have) then type 'netstat' (without quota) then you should be able to get the person's IP address. Before you do this to get work, you got to do when the person is typing to you.
Brian said:
I believe that you are talking about that on MSN Messenger, not AIM?
No, it is AIM. Also there are some "plugins" for AIM that can bypass, like DeadAIM and few but I believe that creator of DeadAIM removed that "bypass" feature in new version.

Liza, I don't know but I am going to post the topic at technology forum to find out. I don't have that problem myself so I don't bother to find out heh.
Magatsu said:
No, it is AIM. Also there are some "plugins" for AIM that can bypass, like DeadAIM and few but I believe that creator of DeadAIM removed that "bypass" feature in new version.
I am aware there are plugins for AIM. I am trying to find about that at
oh alright.

I just asked around in IRC and one certificated IT guy believe that it was fixed in new AIM version. So I guess there is nothing to worry about however I will ask my close friend whenever he comes back from work to test to see if it actually fixed or not. btw, bigblueball looks like useful community to sign up, thanks for link.
Liza said:
Ah.. is it possible to enable some feature that blocks unknown IMs even if they got our usernames on their list?

WaterRats.. it sucks when others try to pull you down eh? You still win if you dont them, though. :thumb:

Yeah -- sure confused me for a second there because I'm using the latest version of AIM and have never talked to those people before -- all I did was close the windows and block them. Just hope that they'll not IM me again under a different sn. :fingersx:
Oh my gosh, last Sunday night we meet each other in the DeafChat. We do exchange our YIM screen name. Somehow, he asked me if I have webcam. I said, no. He has one and connect with my YIM. We chatted about half hour then he stood up and pull his zipper down. He wants to show his private area to me. I put block on YIM and unacceptable his video shoot to my YIM screen. What kind of person he is ?? Oh my gosh, that is extremely DISGUSTED of him !! He is really prevert guy !

It is scared because if the kid would like to using YIM, it can connect the video camera with sexuality performance.

Is there something, we could do prevent this? I am surprised, yahoo would have this kind of technology even you do not have a cam web. They can show all they want to do to you.

That is pathetic !
- Bingo

I am surprise what he did to you. We usually chatted each other few years ago. He never threatened to me. Whoa !

Just simple to put BLOCK to give your mind peaceful. When a strange ask me for acceptable screen name. I immediately clicked unacceptable button! Unless, you know this person then you can chat with him or her.
Boy, I'm glad I have Trillian! I may not block people, but I'm always away... 24/7. I can still chat and be away at the same time. That way, I can chat to anyone I want and if someone IMs me that I don't want to talk to, I just don't reply. :thumb: