i do know what you mean. i am a person who was raised in a very grammaticly correct home. it was very important to my family to sound "intelligent." i don't think that grammar is the mark of intelligence, because it is not. i could see how as an english teacher that this would be very bothersome indeed. ha but don't let it drive you too crazy. i read a lot, so i am pretty good with words. i am big into literature. could it be that just like in the hearing world, the more people read, the more versed they are with grammar? just a thought. also i do know that some of the people on here are not as fluent in english because it is not their first language. i am probably making you crazy right now to, what with my lack of capitalization. haha. not when i write in handwriting, but when i type i just let capitalization go out the window.

also i am probably very often inserting commas in a technically inaproppriate.

ha. i insert them where i pause in my speech. i type like how i talk, a pause represented by inserting commas, for emphasis, or for a slight in change of subject or concept within the sentance. i am aware that is is technically wrong... but i do it anyway because i feel it is more accurate and more like humans communicate, be it oral language or sign language but enough about me and my "inapropriate" use of commas...
i think that while it could be viewed as important to be grammaticly correct, to be seen as intelligent, i think this is a false interpration... i think that grammar is important only if we make it important but then by those standards it is just a personal preferance by an individual, of what they feel the appropriate way to communicate is. ya know what i mean? i would say the importance of communication is to be understood... not about how we phrase things. so if someone is not speaking 100% correctly but i can still understand the content of the message that they are trying to convey then there is no real problem. the wieght of a persons character is measured by the content of their soul.

there are many of these societaly correct concepts that we view as so important that i feel will only serve to alienate and distance ourselves form each each other and will not bring us to coexisting in unity.
i am just another you, and you are just another me... so that being said, does it really matter if in the grand scheme of things if we mix up a few little words here and there? probably not.
but i also agree with you that it is nice for people to speak and write articulately. ha so basicly i have just agreed with you and disagreed with you all in the same post.
