
Do you believe in life after death?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 60.6%
  • No!

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 6 6.4%
  • I'll find out when I die!

    Votes: 24 25.5%

  • Total voters
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Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Do you believe in life after death? As for me, well, it's hard to say but it would be cool if I don't "die" after I die. I voted "Yes" anyway.
i voted yes cuz i think it's possible to be like alive after death like doing something that symbolize to a person that u know.. yea i know i'm :crazy:
Yes but I also believe in Reincarnation...... (sorry about spelling)
I voted " I don't know" but I guess the only way to know for sure is when I die.
yes there is...i mean, if there isn't an afterlife, then what is the point of living?
I'll find out when I die.. but that's too bad.. I won't know if I can come back and share the news with you of what's like after death?
Would it help if I die, and then haunt you guys? That way you could get some confirmation there's an afterlife.

In Norway, I was watching this interesting program on TV - it was about a psychic helping drive out this spirit who apparently liked being drunk. The dude whom the spirit was haunting, found out the reason why he didn't get "drunk" no matter how much he tried to do that. The ghost kinda robbed him of that experience. Ha. The dude didn't believe in ghosts, but after this session he totally freaked out and moved out of his apt.

Good questions, Alex. How about if you ask us with a poll if we actually see auras and stuff like that?
im not sure abt hte AFTERLIFE thing -- but i do believe we have different lives -- and knowing someone in THIS life from the LAST lifetime -- could go wayyyyy back into the 1600s or prior to that and still feel u knew someone when u meet them -- thats happened to me
That's cool, Fly. Like parallel lives, past lives, or deja vu? We'll need to gab abt it, dude.
Originally posted by Fly Free
im not sure abt hte AFTERLIFE thing -- but i do believe we have different lives -- and knowing someone in THIS life from the LAST lifetime -- could go wayyyyy back into the 1600s or prior to that and still feel u knew someone when u meet them -- thats happened to me

Yeahh.. I've had that happen to me before. I would see some faces and can't help thinking that face looks familiar and feeling that I know them somehow..
I'll find out after I die! No, I won't tell you what it's like, you'll have to find out for yourself. :o
I'll find out when I die! Sometimes I do believe that there are spirits and so on. 'cos there are far tooooooooo fucking many coincidences in my life that definitely cannot be ignored at all. After college, I moved to Flemington, NJ. My ex lived in Frenchtown. I used to pass this cemetery all the time without thinking about it, and go through Bloomsbury, NJ on the was to PA or Philipsburg. Well... when I did deep research of my family tree, I found out that my ancestors lived in this area! The Blums (Blooms) and the Mettlers... they were buried in this cemetery and Bloomsbury was named after the Blum family! I found the gravestones of my ancestors and it was written in German! Weird! Anyway, I have many more stories like that, so it is impossible to ignore things like that.
Originally posted by Fly Free
im not sure abt hte AFTERLIFE thing -- but i do believe we have different lives -- and knowing someone in THIS life from the LAST lifetime -- could go wayyyyy back into the 1600s or prior to that and still feel u knew someone when u meet them -- thats happened to me

not always we could gone back to 0000's??? coulda shoulda woulda it have happened?
I do believe in AfterLife myself. Often I wonder why I act tomboyish since i was lil gurl. After I read the books about Afterlife. Started realize that my tomboyish might affect from my past lives as male most time. No wonder, I have hard time to be femme myself. Dang Live with it!
Liza -- yes simliar to that
Kiki -- 0000's qq or u mean back to the O AD/BC q
if u dont anything abt afterlife.. i suggest u to rent the movie "a little buddha" with chris issak in it, i think he s sooo hot in that movie..

:roll:*sigh*..... so good...
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