AFL-CIO : Please sign petition to increase the minimum wage to $7.25

For those opposed to such a raise in minimum wage, I'd really like to see your answer when you are attempting to make a living, while working for $5.15 an hour for 40 hours a week. You would be making $824 before taxes. Once you fiigure taxes, you'd be taking home probably between $600 and $700. Do you really think it is possible to live off that little of an amount? The minimum wage has not been raised in over 10 years, yet the cost of living has significantly increased. With rising enery and gas prices, inflation, etc, I don't think expecting people to make due on such little money is necessarily fair. This has nothing to do with whether you agree with labor unions or not. This has to do with the hundreds of thousands of workers forced to live in poverty.
guido said:
For those opposed to such a raise in minimum wage, I'd really like to see your answer when you are attempting to make a living, while working for $5.15 an hour for 40 hours a week. You would be making $824 before taxes. Once you fiigure taxes, you'd be taking home probably between $600 and $700. Do you really think it is possible to live off that little of an amount? The minimum wage has not been raised in over 10 years, yet the cost of living has significantly increased. With rising enery and gas prices, inflation, etc, I don't think expecting people to make due on such little money is necessarily fair. This has nothing to do with whether you agree with labor unions or not. This has to do with the hundreds of thousands of workers forced to live in poverty.

You are so right! :applause: :cheers: Have you realized that the CEO's of big companies(such as WalMart) are getting richer when the workers are getting poorer? :pissed: It is not fair!
SJCSue said:
You are so right! :applause: :cheers: Have you realized that the CEO's of big companies(such as WalMart) are getting richer when the workers are getting poorer? :pissed: It is not fair!

I think Wal-Mart is the perfect example of unjust treatment. The Waltons are the richest family in the world. Each one of them are worth $40 billion a piece, yet the average Wal-Mart employee is $1000 below the poverty line.

You can learn more about the injustices of Wal-Mart here.
guido said:
I think Wal-Mart is the perfect example of unjust treatment. The Waltons are the richest family in the world. Each one of them are worth $40 billion a piece, yet the average Wal-Mart employee is $1000 below the poverty line.

You can learn more about the injustices of Wal-Mart here.

It's unbelievable! You can also go to
SJCSue said:
You are so right! :applause: :cheers: Have you realized that the CEO's of big companies(such as WalMart) are getting richer when the workers are getting poorer? :pissed: It is not fair!
That should be a motivation to strive for advancement! I think the goal of becoming CEO is a much better goal than getting a higher minimum wage. Who wants to stay at the bottom rung of the ladder?
Reba said:
That should be a motivation to strive for advancement! I think the goal of becoming CEO is a much better goal than getting a higher minimum wage. Who wants to stay at the bottom rung of the ladder?

With that in mind, How do I go to college to become a CEO ? Because then the workers would get much better working wages and I can still go on vacation in Europe ? I am not that greedy like some of these CEO's are. I could set the greedy CEO's a very good example for them to live by. :) :thumb:
Heath said:
With that in mind, How do I go to college to become a CEO ? Because then the workers would get much better working wages and I can still go on vacation in Europe ? I am not that greedy like some of these CEO's are. I could set the greedy CEO's a very good example for them to live by. :) :thumb:

You really don't need a college degree in order to become CEO.

Just apply at Walmart and you will climb up all the way...
guido said:
For those opposed to such a raise in minimum wage, I'd really like to see your answer when you are attempting to make a living, while working for $5.15 an hour for 40 hours a week. You would be making $824 before taxes. Once you fiigure taxes, you'd be taking home probably between $600 and $700. Do you really think it is possible to live off that little of an amount?
That should be motivation to get a better job, or get a promotion. Minimum wages are for minimum kinds of work. Why should someone who hasn't even graduated from high school, and serves fast food, or stocks a shelf, get the same pay as someone with a college degree and ten years experience in a skilled profession? Minimum wage jobs are intended to be "starter" jobs, or part-time work. They are not intended to be 30-year full-time careers.
Mookie said:
You really don't need a college degree in order to become CEO.

Just apply at Walmart and you will climb up all the way...

That would take over 20 years in an environment like Walmart which is very hostile towards American workers. No Thanks. I'll go to college to become a Corporate Executive Officer.
I support increase of minimum wage due to raising gas prices, energy prices, cost of living earn 12.00 per hour or up when the gas price over $5.00 or more per gallons

if gas still increasing then company have to pay gas surcharge to cover transportion costs.

when the price getting drop down and do not need to increase the wage and make it affordable living.
Texas's minimum wage will raise next summer from 6.55 to 7.25
$ 7.25 ???? :shock:

That's not much!

Our's is $8.07 and will be increased to $ 8.55 in 2009!