Advance Directives


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
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What are your thoughts about advance directives, informed consents, patient autonomy and the like? Does it seem like deaf people are often less educated on such things than they ought to be?
ah i see that there is nothing to do in your life yet pick on deaf people. nice going.
Less educated? What rock did you crawl out from under?
you make me sick.
I see you not enough your learn it pretty less on not enough you should be more not enough pretty!
You ask us a question and then right away say that we are uneducated about what you are asking. I think that makes you even more uneducated than we are.
What are your thoughts about advance directives, informed consents, patient autonomy and the like? Does it seem like deaf people are often less educated on such things than they ought to be?

:lol: What? I don't understand...
Come here; I'll show you an advance directive! :lol:
What are your thoughts about advance directives, informed consents, patient autonomy and the like? Does it seem like deaf people are often less educated on such things than they ought to be?


Sorry, that sounded awful. I was not implying at all that the Deaf are less educated. I was meaning to pose a question about access to resources.

I ask because in doing a lot research, I'm finding all sorts of articles saying that the Deaf do not have enough access to info about and are not as informed about these things. Is this true? I know that all of my deaf friends are very resourceful and have very educated opinions on advance directives.

I'm truly sorry for my carelessness. I don't mean to be provocative.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I find that deaf adults are more knowledgable than the general public. Deaf people access government info more than hearing people. A lot of hearing people end up here and they are clueless about accessing information. I mean things that are readily available from a google search. I think that your original premise is an ignorant stereotype.
What are your thoughts about advance directives, informed consents, patient autonomy and the like? Does it seem like deaf people are often less educated on such things than they ought to be?

Wirelessly posted (droid)

I find that deaf adults are more knowledgable than the general public. Deaf people access government info more than hearing people. A lot of hearing people end up here and they are clueless about accessing information. I mean things that are readily available from a google search. I think that your original premise is an ignorant stereotype.

Google would be the first thing I'd use if I had to deal with living wills and other stuff.
Actually, I was wondering about this as well. The 2008 Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning report to Congress identified "people with disabilities" as a population vulnerable to less medical facilitation of end of life discussions. (This is not to say that Deaf or deaf or HoH are 'disabled;' nor to say that they are not. That is not the scope of this queery, nor in my estimate is it within the scope of the original). Merely to raise the question: are non-hearing patients more or less likely to be approached by their doctors regarding Advance Directives in comparison to hearing patients? Coop, did you find any answer to your question?
Maybe coop "flew the coop." There haven't been any more posts by coop in several months.