AD's custom advertising question


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
I know that most of AD's banner ads are generated either by a user's web use history or by keywords used in thread posts.

What I can't figure out is why all the Ford banner ads on my AD pages are in Spanish. I don't use Spanish, so I wonder what they're keying in on?

Just curious. :)
Probably your username can be interpreted as someone of spanish origin?
Were you talking with any ADers about Hispanic places, where they're from?
It could be the cookies in your computer. Perhaps, you visited a website that had strong Hispanic connections/resources that it flagged the ad that you were possibly interested.

It happened to me when my wife was using the computer to look up things for the wedding (before we got married). She didn't look much, but the sites she looked at had strong connections that when I browsed AllDeaf, I got marriage and wedding ring ads. :dunno:
It could be the cookies in your computer. Perhaps, you visited a website that had strong Hispanic connections/resources that it flagged the ad that you were possibly interested.

It happened to me when my wife was using the computer to look up things for the wedding (before we got married). She didn't look much, but the sites she looked at had strong connections that when I browsed AllDeaf, I got marriage and wedding ring ads. :dunno:
I guess. I don't read Spanish so it must have been an English website but maybe the topic was something Hispanic. It's funny how only Ford seems to have picked up on it. :lol:
I guess. I don't read Spanish so it must have been an English website but maybe the topic was something Hispanic. It's funny how only Ford seems to have picked up on it. :lol:

Did you happen look up the Nova? That's actually a sort of spanish word
I guess. I don't read Spanish so it must have been an English website but maybe the topic was something Hispanic. It's funny how only Ford seems to have picked up on it. :lol:
Some companies are connected or have contracts with other companies. For instance, Company A has a contract with Company B. So, Company A will include special keywords (causes that "flag" to raise among advertisements) that the viewer may not see. Yet, advertisements for Company B will appear with hopes that it will lure you into clicking that ad and going there.

They are constantly trying to improve these ad-blocks, but companies often find ways around it.

I remember those early days when everyone started using the internet. When you did a keyword search, it would search for websites that contained these keywords. Some porn sites would include every keyword possible so that whatever word you did a search for... would link you to their porn site.

I remember years ago when I was using AOL (yeah, with the crappy old dialup modem). I was doing a search for arcade games (trying to see if I could find hints or cheat codes for arcade games) and I decided to check out the first 5 sites listed. The 4th site was a porn site (actually contained a bunch of random pictures of naked women). I was puzzled at first, but then noticed that 1/10 of the webpage was porn advertisement/material and 9/10 of the page was blank. I accidentally pressed the mouse button while moving the mouse to click the SCROLL-DOWN button and that's when it highlighted something. Turns out that the website used black background with black text. The 9/10 of the "blank" part was actually black-on-black text and was every keyword they could think of. I did a search for "arcade" and there it was... halfway down the page!