everyone, I'm hoh....may have been born with minimal hearing loss that was missed, don't know. Actually became aware that I was hearing differently than I used to maybe about 5 years ago. I'm 40 and have had learning disabilities and auditory processing issues all my life <LD not diagnosed til college and auditory processing issues not formally diagnosed> so I've always been a VERY visual person and don't learn well aurally. My ASL sucks but I'm often more comfortable signing <trying> versus speech.
Technically I have mild HL <hearing loss> and ID as hoh. It makes sense in both hearing and Deaf world where I am. I have always been "not mainstream" and usually in a roomful of people am an "only-something" and am also very used to compensating for and explaining LD so telling people that I'm hoh is no big deal. Sometimes people are kind - and sometimes not.
I've found that I often say "what" in relation to something someone said, even if I -think - I got it, because..maybe I thought I had it, but didn't. Among other things I miss beginnings of spoken words and consonants.
I have trouble with multiple, oral directions <auditory processing> so sometimes I say "what?" because I <think> I heard all of it but I didn't process it, or I'm still "getting" the beginning and they've already finished.
Sometimes people talk facing away or as they're walking away with their back to me and I miss something there. Sometimes i just let this last thing go - especially if they're walking away because I just don't feel like trying to catch up and kinda re-start the conversation.
Other times I miss something and then they've finished talking and somewhere along the line my brain figured out what I'd missed and filled it in, after which I may or may not have lost the thread of the entirety of the sentence or conversation, but I'll have in my mind the portion that I missed.
At which point I decide if I want to delve back into it or not.
So for me, it varies greatly depending on who was saying it and what other things I needed to explain in that time frame or that day <something about my LD....the fact that I'm Jewish and so, no we're not doing anything on Christmas, etc....>
Songbird, as far as "late-deafened" I've read a few thing but someone who ID's as late deaf can come on and add in-