BITTER!? LOLOL!!!!! Oh, Sweetmind. *shakes head*
I'm perfectly content with who I am.

Those who know me are perfectly content with who I am as well. I have a very positive attitude towards myself and the potential task when I take it upon myself to tackle a job application. This is one thing that interviewers or for that matter, employers, look for in receiving an application.
Vampy's right, by the for your "shit pile," there are PLENTY of hearing people's applications as well. I am not saying that there is no discrimination out there because I know there is. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be so quick to assume. Of course, you didn't understand that - so yes, not considering me someone you'd like to "mingle" with suits me perfectly fine.
Umm, they don't have a mark-off box labeled "deaf" either from what I recall. It's entirely up to the person filling out the application whether or not they choose to bring it to the attention of the manager or person doing the hiring. For me, I just handed in the application and left the store. They called me back on the same evening. I went in for an interview and left the store with a JOB. During the interview, I made it clear that even though I had a hearing loss, it did not impair me to the point where I could not do a good job. I did state that there would be some things I could not do - i.e., telephone calls/answering, PA system, customer service, etc. They didn't care and they hired me anyway - and put me in a position that best suited me - I was content and worked there for two years.
Do yourself a favor - save the deaf rights advocating for the interview. You'd probably stand a better chance that way. An application is NOT an interview...they have to approve the APPLICATION before they are going to determine who is the best candidate for any job - this applies to both hearing and deaf people.