LinuxGold said:
Yeah, ADA shouldn't be abused. If an individual do not have the qualifications to do it, then they couldn't use ADA as "cop-out" to get a job of their liking. They have to earn it by means of education, promotions and such. I've seen certain deaf people who cried that ADA didn't do what they wanted to do. I had to protect ADA's intergrity by telling them to earn their talents by means of education, and such. It is sad to see them boasting on their empty talents on which they do not possess.
I totally agree with you...ADA shouldn't be abused at all, only used when it's
NECESSARY to argue a valid argument with solid evidence and proof. I, myself, haven't had to use the ADA for anything I have faced that gave me trouble in relations with interpreters and so forth. I always made sure I was clear that I was intent in having an interpreter present as I needed to be involved within a meeting and having my opinions heard without any misunderstandings and so on.
I don't think Australia has such an Act for the disabled community, but I believe there's one in the works to be filed and become a mandatory law in order to help the disabled surpass any discrimination and hardships they face in the real world.
Generally, I haven't come across any problems here as it's always been taken care of by the company I work for -- but if I was on my own and seeking assistance outside work, I'll work hard to get what I need, but not be sue-happy like a lot of people have been as of late. :roll:
What's more, I am part of an union and they have helped me a lot in fighting for what I was supposed to get -- for example, DBA (DeafBlind Association) didn't pay me as the client I work with on a one to one basis went home for his holidays and I had no 'work' for 2 months and by law, I was supposed to have work replaced by other work DBA found for me...they didn't, so I asked my union and they said by law, they were supposed to pay me no matter what cos I'm a permanent staff. DBA was supposed to find alternative jobs for me should the client be absent, etc. So, I notified DBA and sent along a copy of what the union said to me. Within a week and half, I got my 2 months' pay!