Ada Law Donot Protect Hard Of Hearing People!

I guess the EEOC is right because you are HH and there is nothing can do with it. That's why you and co workers get along good. But i think you should go see deaf lawyer instead of EEOC.. GIVE IT TRY.. let me know how it goes

Hehe, there's one deaf lawyer in WI.
Hard of Hearing people are protected.

Under the ADA, an individual with a disability is a person who:
1. has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
2. has a record of such an impairment; or
3. is regarded as having such an impairment.

To be a disability covered by the ADA, an impairment must substantially limit one or more major life activities. These are activities that an average person can perform with little or no difficulty. Examples include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing , learning, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, working. These are examples only. Other activities such as sitting, standing, lifting, or reading are also major life activities.

def substantially:

An individual must be unable to perform, or be significantly limited in the ability to perform, an activity compared to an average person in the general population.
As an advocate for the Deaf, you're not doing a great job!

Stop being such an asshole!

Hey newbie! Do you have any idea who he is? Try posting less and reading and learning more, and you'll find out instead of swearing at someone you don't even know.

Richard, my apologies for the newbie who doesn't know any better.
Im Not Worried About This Newbie. When Someone Caps The First Letter Each Word, It Comes From Anger From Something Beyond The Frustration Of Dealing With EEOC. I Have Seen This Before. If Someone Wants To Misinterpret My Actions, Let Them, Let Them Shoot Their Own Feet.

Im Not Worried About This Newbie. When Someone Caps The First Letter Each Word, It Comes From Anger From Something Beyond The Frustration Of Dealing With EEOC. I Have Seen This Before. If Someone Wants To Misinterpret My Actions, Let Them, Let Them Shoot Their Own Feet.


Ouch, besemiasno will going own you soon.
Im Not Worried About This Newbie. When Someone Caps The First Letter Each Word, It Comes From Anger From Something Beyond The Frustration Of Dealing With EEOC. I Have Seen This Before. If Someone Wants To Misinterpret My Actions, Let Them, Let Them Shoot Their Own Feet.


:cool: I See You Adjusted Very Well To That Answer. I feel the same, as well as the poster above my previous: They can go blow it.
I Went To Eeoc Yesterday To Talk About The Discrimination, Harrassment, And Retaliation I Am Going Through On My Job With Managment And My Coworkers! The Lady Told Me That I Wouldnt Be Approved To Have Eeoc Work With Me Because I Am Just Hoh And I Am Not Deaf And That I Can Communicate And That Ada Law Donot Protect Hoh People In The State Of Ga!

I Cant Believe This Sh!t Ada Think Hoh Of Hearing People Are Not Disable Because We Can Wear Hearing Aids, Hell I Told Her If I Take Off My Hearing Aide I Can Heart Jack! Sh!t Without Them And With Them On I Can Barely Hear With Them. But She Stated You Are Not Deaf, You Donot Sign And U Can Communicate With Your Hearing Aid On. I Cant Believe This!

Us Hoh And Deaf People Have No Kinda Of Support Or Nothing. I Mean I See Why My Job Do What They Want To Me Because They Probably Know About This And Know I Have No Kinda Of Protection! This Is Crazy!!

MSBROOKS, I reside in georgia and I am deaf. I find it odd that you've recently registered in april. If you are someone at my place of employment who is trying to pretend to be better fess up. I recently gave someone the address to this site for educational purposes. Call me paranoid but I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to start crap from where I work. For informational purposes as far as wanting to file a suit with whoever you work for... go for it. But you will cost ME and other Deaf people their jobs when they try to apply to the same company. If you want to get a head in with it.
I do.
I fight for what I want and I am also smart enough to know what discrimination is and what it isn't. I am also aware that due to being deaf I am limited in some areas of job functioning, but I chose an occupation to work part time that didn't put me in an area of communicating with other people and I like it that way. I work at an animal hospital and even though some people there treat me as if I am dumb do you see me hollaring about it? NO.
I just go on and do my job. I've been there for eight years and if I wanted to I could do something about it but I chose not to.
It isn't because I am weak.
There is nothing wrong with educating your co-workers about being deaf and I've found that once they know what being deaf is and isn't. I am treated MUCH better.

You haven't detailed the alleged discriminatory act against far as I've read.
If you want help, state what has happened.

if not, tough up and realize that hearing people will always be this way, just don't let it get to you.

I am quite content with where I work and why?
Because I've made it that way by perservering.

that is all I have to say, and good luck to you, whoever you are.
MSBROOKS, I reside in georgia and I am deaf. I find it odd that you've recently registered in april. If you are someone at my place of employment who is trying to pretend to be better fess up. I recently gave someone the address to this site for educational purposes. Call me paranoid but I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to start crap from where I work. For informational purposes as far as wanting to file a suit with whoever you work for... go for it. But you will cost ME and other Deaf people their jobs when they try to apply to the same company. If you want to get a head in with it.
I do.
I fight for what I want and I am also smart enough to know what discrimination is and what it isn't. I am also aware that due to being deaf I am limited in some areas of job functioning, but I chose an occupation to work part time that didn't put me in an area of communicating with other people and I like it that way. I work at an animal hospital and even though some people there treat me as if I am dumb do you see me hollaring about it? NO.
I just go on and do my job. I've been there for eight years and if I wanted to I could do something about it but I chose not to.
It isn't because I am weak.
There is nothing wrong with educating your co-workers about being deaf and I've found that once they know what being deaf is and isn't. I am treated MUCH better.

You haven't detailed the alleged discriminatory act against far as I've read.
If you want help, state what has happened.

if not, tough up and realize that hearing people will always be this way, just don't let it get to you.

I am quite content with where I work and why?
Because I've made it that way by perservering.

that is all I have to say, and good luck to you, whoever you are.

:ugh3: :topic:Take this to pm's only, girls. Don't hijack this thread for personal messages that have nothing to do with the topic.
Hey newbie! Do you have any idea who he is? Try posting less and reading and learning more, and you'll find out instead of swearing at someone you don't even know.

Richard, my apologies for the newbie who doesn't know any better.

LOL! You're the newbie here, honey. I know who he is for many years:

A big, fat, "screechy", outdated joke.
:ugh3: :topic:Take this to pm's only, girls. Don't hijack this thread for personal messages that have nothing to do with the topic.

Holy Hell!! It's not offtopic. Go hide in that hole of a state where you belong.

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