AD, is it me or is this site loading slowly?

:shock: Alex, don't close up AD tonight! I wanna do PommyMommy's birthday thread before CCSinned beats me to it! :P
:confused: I have not noticed any slowness lately. I haven't noticed any double postings either. AD seems to be working just fine Alex.
Sometime I gets "Connection refused" on Alldeaf, probably bandwidth exceeds or bottlenecked connections..
Sometimes it's slow when I opened this site. Plus I kept getting "cannot find site" I had to refresh the site. What a pain!!! :rl:

Oh I forgot to add -- Whenever I click sumit reply or save changes. It's also slow!
I think it is not about your site probably comes from internet company has problems.

I notice many of them has also problems with only AOL and MSN shut down and restored and frozen since I been rebuilt my own hard drive this month. It was fine and been tested all are fine. But except AOL and MSN has problems going on right now. When they use Alldeaf forum while it is with AOL that cause problem occured. so I removed AOL that really sucks too much for me. Afterward I use that yahoo on alldeaf forum it went fine with me. I do see there is nothing wrong with your site. It comes from problems with AOL and MSN while it is with alldeaf forum on side. I guess so. You can try it out compare on that and testing yourself first.
Sometimes it loads very slowly, even when I am on my sidekick2 too...And yes I do notice the double posting too...
Angel, I've noticed it especially on my Sidekick. I haven't noticed it on my computer though.
cental34 said:
Angel, I've noticed it especially on my Sidekick. I haven't noticed it on my computer though.

Yeah me too, I was told by a couple of members here that the reason why it run soo slowly is cause of the signature/avatars images, but then again, I'm not quite sure...

But it takes forever for Alldeaf to download on my sidekick!
I dont see anything wrong yesterday or today..

maybe one of you guys have *coughing* flu in your computer..

I have DSL and I noticed AD is loading slower than usual-----like a pregnant elephant
I have high speed, and usually things are really fast for me to load, but since a while now AD had been pretty slow. :dunno:
sequoias said:
i was only giving an example, thanks Javapride.
NOOOOOOOO THAT was for MLD not u sorry i didnt click the quite message in reply my bad