yes it is!, its wow awesome
you'd be lucky to find one now in the international market..
if you're mental and that keen PM me i might be able to help
My Scarborough Faire thread disappeared.
Oh well...
Someone call a waabulance!nooooooo, I lost 150+ post from my post count |-(
nooooooo, I lost 150+ post from my post count |-(
*nods approvingly*Remind you that you are not alone.![]()
now, since theres more of you getting depressed how about ordering that gwertz ?
just kidding there probably only 2 or 3 cases left in the country/ doubtful to cover it....
but wishful thinking.. is nice...shit man its 14% which is like overproof version of a gwertztraminer!, outstanding !
now, since theres more of you getting depressed how about ordering that gwertz ?
just kidding there probably only 2 or 3 cases left in the country/ doubtful to cover it....
hell its probably all gone, I have 3 bottles stashed somewhere, 2 of which is meant for family's birthdays - but now im thinking maybe work around it...
you know what? i am jealous NOW i take it that you are having a nice flying somewhere in the air.![]()